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Re: [p2-dev] How can the product publisher use java profiles ?

Probvai da slagash poveche punktuacionni znaci, ili da cepish izrecheniata na 2.

Primerno niakolko puti prochetoh purvoto izrechenie, za da go razbera.


Nai-prostia princip za punktuaciata v angliiskia ezik e, che slagash zapetaika tam kudeto si poemash duh ili pravish pauza. Lesno se prilaga kato si go kajesh na glas, ili naum.

Vtori lesen princip e che tam kudeto imash zapetaika obiknoveno mojesh da ia zamenish s tochka J


Naprimer, s dve zapetaiki poveche stava dosta po-iasno za chetene ot pruv pogled

As you know, during product publishing, a JRE configuration unit is generated to export a standard set of java packages, which installable units may require.


Daje moje I taka

As you know, during product publishing, a JRE configuration unit is generated. It exports a standard set of java packages, which installable units may require.


Haide sega samostoiatelno probvai da promenish slednoto izrechenie, koeto ima v sebe si pone 3 otdelni J

Judging by the code, publishing has support to load such a profile from a specified location (see JREAction class for reference) but I cannot find any entry point from the product publisher application (in the current case, I need to run the application, not call the publisher API programmatically) or from the product definition file to pass such a profile


Otdelno, obiknoveno e mnogo po-efikasno (I razbiraemo), ako slojish vuprosa ili “call for action” na otdelen red ili paragraph. Inache vuprosa ti se gubi kato edno malko izrechenie sled edno ogromno.




From: p2-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:p2-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Yousouf, Shenol
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 7:09 PM
To: P2 developer discussions
Subject: [p2-dev] How can the product publisher use java profiles ?


Hi all,


As you know, during product publishing a JRE configuration unit is generated to export a standard set of java packages which installable units may require. However, the default JRE unit exports all the packages with version ‘0.0.0’ which does not suit me.  I want to publish a product along with a java profile file which specifies the exact versions I need.


Judging by the code, publishing has support to load such a profile from a specified location (see JREAction class for reference) but I cannot find any entry point from the product publisher application (in the current case, I need to run the application, not call the publisher API programmatically) or from the product definition file to pass such a profile. Can you tell me if there is a common way to do that ?


Thanks and regards,

Shenol Yousouf

SAP Labs Bulgaria


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