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Re: [p2-dev] New explanation algorithm

Daniel Le Berre a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I have been working on a new explanation algorithm in SAT4J this week end.
> I am looking for feedback on that new algorithm.
> You can grab an updated version of SAT4J with that new algorithm here:
> Please report any issue there.
> Cheers,
> 	Daniel

Well, I just noticed that my message was maybe too cryptic for the
majority of the list :)

The explanation algorithm is used when the resolver cannot find a plan
to explain why the installation cannot proceed.

I decided to write a new algorithm after noticing last week that the
explanation of a failure to upgrade from a 3.6M5 with JEE packages to
3.6M6 could take more than one minute.

With the updated algorithm, it should take only a few seconds.

If you meet such kind of slow explanations, I would like to have your
feedback with the new algorithm.

             Daniel Le Berre mailto:leberre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
             MCF,    CRIL-CNRS UMR 8188,    Universite d'Artois

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