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Re: [p2-dev] resetting the configuration area

Hi Simon,

Thank you for your quick response.
I created in order
to address the issue.

To summarize:

To change the behavior of our product:
When a user resets the configuration are with -configuration /foo/bar
then bar should be the root folder for:

* the osgi.configuration.area
* the
* users bundle pool

Is there more we should be aware of?
Is there any additional data held there @config/../ per default?

Thank you,

Simon Kaegi wrote:
> Hi Rupert,
> Here's a bug that deals a bit with the problem -- 
> In a nutshell we found ourselves very late in the Eclipse 3.4 in a
> not great situation where we had been treating the parent of the
> "user" configuration folder as a "user" install folder. One of the
> proposals in the above bug that seemed reasonable was to use the
> value for -configuration as the user install root however that was
> deemed too risky at the time. We might look at supporting that with a
> flag but at this point changing the default behavior is going to be a
> tough sell.
> We currently can re-locate the p2.folder by setting a system property
> as you note but the user's bundle pool (e.g. artifact.xml as well as
> the associated plugins and features folders) is not currently set 
> independently. That sounds like something we could support so please
> open a bug. For now without getting fancy I'd stick to convention and
> use a configuration folder that explicitly adds a "configuration"
> folder at the end.
> -Simon
> |------------> | From:      | |------------>
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |Rupert Gratz <rupert.gratz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------> | To:        | |------------>
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------> | Cc:        | |------------>
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |"Gutschelhofer, Martin" <Martin.Gutschelhofer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------> | Date:      | |------------>
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |09/08/2009 08:31 PM
> |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------> | Subject:   | |------------>
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |[p2-dev] resetting the configuration area
> |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------> | Sent by:   | |------------>
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |p2-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> Hi all,
> We repeatably run into an issue since we enabled p2 in our product:
> What many developers/testers do here is changing the default 
> configuration area by passing an option to the startup executable: 
> "-configuration /tmp/myConfig"
> But many do not specify an additional subfolder like: 
> "/tmp/myConfig/configuration" !
> Thus, they run into some problems: Because folders/files will be
> created here: @config/../ (which is in the case above: /tmp/ !)
> a p2 folder will be created there - Of course we can change that 
> behavior in the config.ini file. However when one installs additional
> features/plugins they will be stored here "@config/../" no matter
> where the users p2 folder is being located.
> The only solution for us, so far, is to specify the configuration
> area by adding a sub folder: "-configuration /tmp/myConfig/conf".
> Is this the only solution to get rid of this problem? Do we have any
> possibilities to customize our product in a way so we can get rid of
> this problem? - we can change the location of the user's p2 folder -
> OK - Whats with the artifacts.xml which is being created here
> @config/../ - and additional installed software  (features/plugins)
> ??
> It would be great if someone can help me on this or can at least
> point me to a better suitable place to ask for this issue.
> Thanks for any hints, Rupert 
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