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Re: [p2-dev] NTLM2 support

Thomas Watson wrote:

Just to be sure. We have updated our build maps to consume the required ECF bundles for this change?

No, this has not been done. We haven't yet provided the built 3.0.1 version for the platform build map this is a problem I would expect.

Henrik...probably going to need to back this out from head to avoid nightly build problems. Perhaps a special branch for p2.repository bundle should be created for this until we are able to get ECF 3.0.1 bundles built and ready for platform map file (we just haven't had a chance to do this yet given platform build schedule...but we can/will do this at any time desired now).


In other words, we should not expect a build failure in the nightly build?


Inactive hide details for Henrik Lindberg ---08/27/2009 08:38:38 AM---Hi, With Scott Lewis help, I have added handling of NTLM2Henrik Lindberg ---08/27/2009 08:38:38 AM---Hi, With Scott Lewis help, I have added handling of NTLM2 to the p2 transport code.

Henrik Lindberg <henrik.lindberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

P2 developer discussions <p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

08/27/2009 08:38 AM

[p2-dev] NTLM2 support


With Scott Lewis help, I have added handling of NTLM2 to the p2 transport code. This is now released to HEAD for 3.6, but requires testing by someone who is running behind an NTLM proxy (both NTLM1 and NTLM2).

See _ (for 3.6).
Once tested ok for 3.6, this fix should also go into 3.5.1 - _

The changes require org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer;bundle-version="3.0.1"

Henrik Lindberg
_henrik.lindberg@cloudsmith.com_ <mailto:henrik.lindberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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