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Re: [p2-dev] P2 and Presence of site.xml

IMHO, searching site.xml BEFORE artifacts.xml/.jar & content.xml/.jar is a bug, not a feature.

If it knows there's a site.xml at, but the next time it checks the site.xml is gone, will it then check for artifacts & content? Or just give up?

If the end user hits 'Help > install new software > available software sites > test connection' for the site, would that force p2 to check in newest-format-then-oldest-format order?


Ian Bull wrote:
Nick is almost right, but there is one small gotcha to watch out for.

p2 loops through the different types of sites, in order (not sure exactly what that order is), but it gives precedence to previous repository types it has seen.

So if it has seen a site.xml at before, then it will try first.  If this fails, then it will move on.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Simply, if artifacts.{xml|jar} and content.{xml|jar} is found at the
    URL, site.xml is ignored.

    So you can have an Eclipse 3.4+ site in the same location as an
    Eclipse 3.3- site, and control who sees what by virtue of the
    version of Eclipse looking at the site.

    To force an Eclipse 3.4+ user to see the 3.3- site, suffix the URL
    w/ site.xml and they'll get that instead of artifacts and content
    (.xml or .jar).

    Mark Melvin wrote:

        Hi There,

        We are going to have to start thinking about our corporate
        update site
        soon and I just realized that we are going to have old, non-P2
        out there pointing to the same update URL as our new, P2-based
        and I'm wondering what the side-effects are going to be for our
        product.  I seem to recall reading somewhere that P2 does "different
        stuff" based on whether or not a site.xml is present.  In
        particular, I
        think what I read was something about how categories are shown
        in the
        UI.  I was wondering first of all, if this was true and second,
        if there
        are other bits of behaviour that will be different if P2 detects a

        Also, is it possible to have a P2 repository located at the same
        URL as
        a legacy update site (containing a site.xml) where the P2 repositor
        describes a completely different set of features and plugins as
        the old
        site-xml-based update site?  Or is the presence of a site.xml
        going to
        make P2 simply use it and ignore any P2 repository that may be

        I'm asking because it may be too late to change our URL in the
        new P2
        product, and I'll need to figure out a solution (perhaps moving
        the old
        site.xml-based update site and forcing legacy users to manually
        enter a
        policy file URL or something).

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-- Nick Boldt ::
    Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484 |


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Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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