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Re: [p2-dev] ProductAction and multiple products

Yes, when one result is being published in series, this may cause problems.  I wonder if we should run the entire product publishing action on a inner result set, and then merge than when finished.  This will essentially scope the children to the currently publishing task.

I am a little reluctant to change this unless it is actually causing a problem though. Can you produce a test case that demonstrates this Thomas?


On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:50 AM, Thomas Hallgren <thomas@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm puzzled by the advices created by the publishers ProductAction. This is the method:

  private void createAdvice() {
      executableName = product.getLauncherName();
      info.addAdvice(new RootIUResultFilterAdvice(null));

The last RootIUResultFilterAdvice will yield *all* ROOT's found in the result. Further down the line, this causes the RootIUAction to create requirements to all those roots.  Not a good approach when more then one single product is published to the repo. I tried to rectify this by running the ProductAction using an isolated inner result but then I ran into other problems since the EquinoxLauncherCUAction didn't find any version advice for the launchers and hence didn't emit the touchpoint actions needed for the eclipse.inf.

Before I go further and report a bugzilla on this, I'd like to know what the though behind this RootIUResultFilterAdvice is. Why is it there at all?

Thomas Hallgren
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