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[] Updates on the OSPO Alliance

Hiho good people, 

This email is to bring the latest updates to the community about what's cooking up at the Alliance.

* We have a new member: Komyu [1], represented by Thomas Froment. Welcome Komyu! :-)
* Translations of the Handbook are progressing, see [2]. We still need reviewers for Italian and Portuguese, and translators for Spanish, Dutch and Chinese. If you can contribute to these, please feel free to get in touch and we'll set you up in a breeze!
* The next version of the handbook is under development, with more resources, links and use cases, and a chapter dedicated to innersourcing. You are more than welcome to participate, of course. 
* A few new taskforces have also been started:
  - Consultancy - to reference partners who can help with setting up on OSPO using the Good Governance Initiative Handbook and resources. 
  - Governance - to make sure that our processes and collaborative work stay open, transparent and.. well, fully open source.
* We are also working on a new design for our website. Design is almost complete, and we are currently filling up the content. A preview is available at [3].
* And, as usual, you are welcome to join us during our weekly calls happening on Mondays at 3pm CEST - see [4] to participate and contribute.


Thank you for your attention, have a beautiful Monday!

Boris Baldassari
Open Source Consultant | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
M:+33 648038289

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