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[osee-dev] Can not run OSEE with Postgresql



I followed instruction to setup OSEE Server with Postgres database. On startup of application using runPostgresqlLocal.bat (java -Xmx1024m -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8089 -Dorg.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.context.sessioninactiveinterval=3600 -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar -console -consoleLog –clean) it shows following error:



Vaadin is running in DEBUG MODE.

Add productionMode=true to web.xml to disable debug features.

To show debug window, add ?debug to your application URL.


Thu Apr 18 16:12:45 IST 2013      org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.internal.U


INFO   org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.internal.UriDbConnectionInfo   getDbI

nformation (31)

Loading connection info from: [C:\OSEE\org.eclipse.osee.x.server.runtime\connect



16:12:45.853 [Timer-2] INFO  o.eclipse.osee.framework.core.server - Server looku

p table is not initialized

16:12:45.853 [Timer-2] INFO  o.eclipse.osee.framework.core.server - Server looku

p table is not initialized

16:12:45.853 [Timer-2] INFO  o.eclipse.osee.framework.core.server - Server looku

p table is not initialized


My connection.xml is as below:




<DatabaseInfo id="postgresqlInfo">

<DatabaseHome key="#DBHOME#"/>

<DatabaseName key="#DBNAME#" value="OSEE" />

<DatabaseType key="#TYPE#" value="postgresql" />

<Prefix key="#PREFIX#" value="jdbc:postgresql" />

<UserName key="#USERNAME#" value="osee" />

<Password key="#PASSWORD#" value="osee" />

<Host key="#HOST#" value="@AvailableDbServices.hostAddress" />

<Port key="#PORT#" value="@AvailableDbServices.port" />



<ConnectionDescription id="postgresql" >






<Server id="OSEE" dbInfo="postgresqlInfo"

hostAddress="localhost" port="5432"

connectsWith="postgresql" isProduction="false" />






If I run application server using


java -Xmx1024m -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8089 -Dorg.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.context.sessioninactiveinterval=3600 -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar -console -consoleLog –clean


It gives following error,

org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.exception.OseeDataStoreException: DB connection

information was not found for: [postgresqlLocalhost]

Available connection ids are: [[]]


        at org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.internal.DatabaseInfoRegistryImpl

.findDatabaseInfo( ~[na:na]

        at org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.internal.DatabaseInfoRegistryImpl

.getSelectedDatabaseInfo( ~[na:na]


I need urgent assistance on how to setup OSEE with postgres database ?



Riddhi Shah

Sr. Technical Leader|Automotive & Engineering SBU

KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd.|

Riddhi.Shah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Office: 020-6652-5000 Ext. 3446 | Mobile: +91-9765554157


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