Proposal “Code to Cloud (Eclipse and Orion IDE)”
Problem : What does it take for an app to move to cloud by leveraging PaaS ultra quick with no cloud vendor lock in. The cloud can even be your own using 2-3 servers. How can we improve app agility by bringing it closer to production like environment.
We would like to propose an Open source PaaS(Public/On premise) that we are working on. Megam is an open source cloud automation software built on open standards and provides PaaS for Java, Ruby, node.js, Play(Scala), Akka(Scala) on any cloud. The cloud can be your own data center.
1. Compiles from Eclipse IDE to PaaS built on Open source.
We propose a way in which the current Eclipse IDE fat client leverages a PaaS using an API.
Developer just works on code in their Eclipse IDE. Registers with Megam ( The Megam API stands up an “app on the cloud” of choice as registered with Megam. Subsequently as code gets built, developer gets a choice to push the code to git. Git triggers updates to the “app on cloud”. Developer receives an url to play with the web app. The stuff a developer can do are run automated builds on the “app on cloud”, start, stop.
2. Now moving on to Orion. As the future moves to thin clients (chrome books) Orion IDE will become dominantly used by developer. Orion has all the functionality for editing code. After code edit is done, the code stored in Github/Git can directly be deployed with a single click to Megam. Again the stuff as talked before on the assumptions that a developer is onboarded in Megam applies. This approach is the open source equivalent of (Cloud9ide c9 which connects to heroku, openshift paas and claims to have 250,000 users. This model embedded with a customizable Open source PaaS (Megam) can get better ROI for enterprise.