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Re: [orion-dev] Rest API for project metadata



Some background about our use case:

In our company we develop web-based RAD tool for mobile applications (a bit similar to This tool has to persist source artifacts. Ideally it should also allow that multiple developers work on the sources and some backend programmers maybe don’t even use the web-based tools to modify the sources. One idea we had is to integrate Orion & our tool so that our tool could make use of the services Orion offers (e.g. git, workspace, project, preferences, …). E.g. when the user “saves” in our tool the data will be persisted in Orion workspaces and/or git commits. We looked at Orion because it offers REST APIs (giving the option to have a very loose coupling of tools with Orion) and the fact that the OSGI based Orion is relatively easy to run inside our own virgo-based cloud solution. The fact that it is an eclipse project where we know the licenses and have trust that we’ll find an open developer community is also an important point.


It’s not clear how this integration will look like in the end (e.g. a separate Orion server which is only contacted via rest APIs by the backend of our tool OR our tool as a full-fledged plugin in Orion). So we play around with Orion and try to implement some of the persistence tasks of our tool (e.g. persisting a new project with some metadata and files) by using the Orion’s REST APIs. Obviously creating a new project from some template is one of the first steps to do – that’s why I am currently asking about your project APIs.





From: orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Arthorne
Sent: Dienstag, 12. März 2013 17:00
To: Orion developer discussions
Subject: Re: [orion-dev] Rest API for project metadata


Hi Christian,

The short answer is that there is currently no HTTP API for this metadata. It is currently a purely client side concept. Of course it is just json data so you can use the file service to obtain or change the file contents. I don't think the various aspects of the project metadata have been formalized or finalized yet. The "Project URL" is just a project homepage link or the address of the web site you are building. It is used to show a "thumbnail" view of the project.

We would be curious to know your use cases for using this metadata, to help us understand how it should evolve. Can you share any details on what you are looking to do with the metadata and whether you want to extend it.


From:        "Halstrick, Christian" <christian.halstrick@xxxxxxx>
To:        "orion-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <orion-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date:        03/11/2013 06:31 AM
Subject:        [orion-dev] Rest API for project metadata
Sent by:        orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

I have questions regarding „projects“ in Orion. I inspected the file “…projectData/project.json” which seems to be written during project creation. Of course I can read this file to get info about all projects. But is there a better way?
-          Is there a REST API to list all projects?
-          Is there a REST API to get the metadata of a certain project
-          Is there a description of the project metadata. E.g. what is the “Project URL” – just an informative URL linking e.g. to some project homepage. Or is this URL further processed in Orion?  
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