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Re: [orion-dev] git rebase by default

You're right that in general the choice between merge and rebase is more complex. Rebase is mainly useful for commits that you have never pushed to a remote. In particular this very common workflow:

- Pull from origin/master
- Do some work, make a commit
- Attempt to push -> fails because someone else has pushed to origin/master in the meantime
- Rebase your commit on origin/master and now you can push

In this case rebase avoids the extra merge commits appearing in master. These merges don't add any interesting information on the overall branch history - they contain the same changes from one or more previous commits, applied to a different parent commit. They just add clutter and they are confusing to look at - the author attribute on such a commit won't match the person who actually made the changes it contains (they just authored the "merge" where they caught up to someone else's changes).

The dangerous kind of rebase is rewriting history that has already been pushed to a remote clone. This destroys existing commit hashes, which will also destroy any tags that were against those commits. This is the kind of rebase people are talking about when they refer to "rebase is dangerous". At that kind of rebase is completely disallowed using a git configuration settings (receive.denyNonFastForward). So in our Eclipse world, only "safe" rebase operations on your local branches are permitted.

But it's a good point that not all Orion users are Git repository users. Someone could be using Orion with a repository at github or elsewhere where history-destroying rebases are allowed, and we need to be careful in Orion not to make it too easy for a novice Git user to lose data. I think the changes we have been talking about here are just:

- Make sure the option to rebase is available in all places where merge is available (such as git status page)
- Make it easier to configure the policy setting that controls whether "git pull" does a merge or rebase. By default in Git this is rebase, which I don't think we should globally change. But we could make it very easy to set the policy to rebase for people who want that (which includes just about all committers users I would imagine). I could also imagine a user profile setting to the effect of "use rebase policy for all local branches I create".


Kris De Volder <kdvolder@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/13/2012 01:52 PM

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Re: [orion-dev] git rebase by default

It seems like a complex issue to me... Though I don't think I quite understand all the issues here.
My feeling is that what default is sensible would probably depend on your workflow (and on personal
preference). I've seen some opinions out there that 'rebase is evil'.


I'm not expert, but the gist of it seems that issues with rebase arise if you rebase a branch that is shared with other people. It would be fine
to rebase a branch that only exists in your local clone on your own personal machine.

Here's another opionion arguing for use of both rebase and merge depending on what you are doing:

He seems to argue for a workflow doing rebases for 'spin-off branches' and merges to bring in changes back into 'master'. (That incidentally does seem to
Jive with making rebase default for new branches... assuming you won't actually push those branches and share them with anyone else).

Finally, from what I've read here and there (sorry can't find a link right now)... it seems that merge is the best default unless people really understand what they are doing with rebase.

I think it is great to have the option to choose your strategy when you create a new branch, but I'm not so sure that rebase would be the right default for everyone and for every workflow.

Since rebase seems to be considered 'dangerous' and 'harmfull' by some, I would be a little worried to pick that as a blanket default for any new branch.
Maybe it makes more sense to choose 'merge' as default. And if you consider yourself an expert, you can then somehow and easily override that to use rebase when appropriate.


See also 370735: Improvements to the Add Branch action (
One of the goals is to choose the pull strategy for newly created branches. Rebase strategy could be the default.


John J Barton <johnjbarton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Orion developer discussions <orion-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
2012-02-10 18:45
[orion-dev] git rebase by default
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I sense that git mavens believe that the default workflow for git
should be rebase rather than merge:

If true, then it would be great if Orion can make this default easy to use.

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