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Re: [orion-dev] 0.4m1 -> integration build and back

John, I had your experience yesterday too. About midday or later my navigator stopped working. I was in the mode to blame the build/jetty because that had been the morning's problem, but then I tried localStorage.clear() and it fixed it. I had gotten out of that habit because for awhile it's been pretty stable for me wrt localStorage. It seemed like the afternoon build changed some state again.

At any rate, Simon says he's working on the "shouldn't have to clear localStorage anymore" issue.


Inactive hide details for Malgorzata Tomczyk ---01/25/2012 05:32:47 AM---Files that your Orion expects to be there where added Malgorzata Tomczyk ---01/25/2012 05:32:47 AM---Files that your Orion expects to be there where added in M2 (at least some of them), so if you are 1

From: Malgorzata Tomczyk <Malgorzata.Janczarska@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Orion developer discussions <orion-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 01/25/2012 05:32 AM
Subject: Re: [orion-dev] 0.4m1 -> integration build and back
Sent by: orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Files that your Orion expects to be there where added in M2 (at least some
of them), so if you are 100% sure that you have M1 installed, than probably
you have some files in your browser cache.
This is a guide how to clear your cache on Chrome:
Cleaning localStorage makes more sense to do it after the browser cache is

best regards.
Malgorzata Janczarska
Software Developer
IBM SWG Lab. Cracow. Poland

IBM Polska Sp. z o.o. oddział w Krakowie
ul. Armii Krajowej 18,
30-150 Kraków

NIP: 526-030-07-24
Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
KRS 0000012941, Kapitał Zakładowy: 33.000.000 PLN

 From:       John J Barton <johnjbarton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                                                                            
 To:         Orion developer discussions <orion-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                                                                    
 Date:       2012-01-25 04:56                                                                                                                      
 Subject:    Re: [orion-dev] 0.4m1 -> integration build and back                                                                                    
 Sent by:    orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx                                                                                                          

The plugins page is blank.  The log:
http://localhost:8080/orion/progress.jsFailed to load resource: the
  server responded with a status of 404 (ProxyServlet: /orion/progress.js)
http://localhost:8080/orion/operationsClient.jsFailed to load resource:
  the server responded with a status of 404
  (ProxyServlet: /orion/operationsClient.js)
http://localhost:8080/orion/globalSearch/search-features.jsFailed to
  load resource: the server responded with a status of 404
  (ProxyServlet: /orion/globalSearch/search-features.js)
http://localhost:8080/orion/compare/jsdiffAdapter.jsFailed to load
  resource: the server responded with a status of 404
  (ProxyServlet: /orion/compare/jsdiffAdapter.js)
  150require.js:1418Uncaught Error: require.js load timeout for modules:
  orion/progress orion/operationsClient orion/globalSearch/search-features

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 6:16 AM, John Arthorne <John_Arthorne@xxxxxxxxxx>
     You can try reloading the plugin called "landingPageTasks.html" This
     plugin defines the links across the top of the page. They were
     recently changed, and a caching bug in the plugin system is
     preventing that change from taking effect. The caching bug is being
     investigated for M2. If that doesn't help, maybe you can give more
     detail on how it fails. Anything in the log, etc?

John J Barton <                                                          
Sent by:                                                               To
orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx                 Orion developer discussions
01/23/2012 11:08 PM                                                      
                                              [orion-dev] 0.4m1 ->        
                                              integration build and back  
         Please respond to                                                
   Orion developer discussions <                                          

     I installed eclipse-orion-I20120123-1105-linux.gtk.x86_64 but it
     doesn't work (navigation tab fails).
     I tried to go back to 0.4M1 but no luck. I tried localStorage.clear
     Any other suggestions short of re-cloning and re-installing plugins?
     orion-dev mailing list

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