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Re: [orion-dev] new preferences page is released....

FYI there is a bug entered already about the "need to reload your plugin" problem. Simon is looking into it for M2 so we don't have to explain this to orionhub users ;)

My $0.02 on the plugins page - being able to inspect all the plugin metadata is useful for us in debugging but not the kind of thing I would expect on a user preference page. Maybe we keep the page but remove the link (or make it much less obtrusive) so those of us debugging our plugins can still use it?


Susan Franklin McCourt <susan_franklin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: orion-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/23/2012 11:54 AM

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Orion developer discussions <orion-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[orion-dev] new preferences page is released....

Anton's new prefs page (including the editor color settings and plugin list) is now linked to the banner on Orion.
You will need to reload the landingTasks.html plugin and then reload your pages, to see it.
The "Plugins" link is still there until all relevant function is moved to the settings page, and then we'll remove the "Plugins" link.

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