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Re: [orion-dev] Introduction: Kris De Volder

HIGHLY recommend, "_javascript_: The Good Parts", by Douglas Crockford.  It'll be a quick read for someone with your background and will save you a lot of headache down the road.  _javascript_ is definitely a language where what you CAN do is not necessarily what you SHOULD do.

Not sure if you'll like or hate the format, but the Head First series will ramp you up quickly, and from scratch, on building web apps.  Check out, "Head First HTML5 Programming" for a nice intro to HTML5, _javascript_ and building web apps.  Not a great reference book, but spins you up quickly on the fundamentals.  (You can check out sample pages to see if it's starting out too basic for you.)



On 1/12/2012 6:40 PM, John J Barton wrote:

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Kris De Volder <kdvolder@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Another introduction :-)

I am a member of the same team working for VMWare SpringSources as Andrew and Andy who introduced themselves earlier.

I work mostly on the Groovy/Grails tool support in STS. Some of the things I've worked on
 - The infrastructure for running grails commands and deploying Grails apps from within STS.
 - The Greclipse formatter and autoindentation logic.
 - Grails refactoring support.

I've also worked a bit on AJDT (pull-out refactoring support).

I am also the lead (and only :-) developer on STS tool support for Gradle.

I've been at springsource for just about 1.5 years.

The 10 years before that I used to be a Professor of Computer Science at UBC teaching programming languages courses and doing research on developer tool support. Most of this research happened in the context of Eclipse, developing Eclipse plugins. So I'm quite comfortable working in Java/Eclipse.

I am completely new to _javascript_. I have some basic understanding of stuff like html and CSS but have only built very simple static websites up to know.

I don't expect I'll have too much trouble picking up _javascript_ "the language" as I have some familiarity with languages like Scheme and Haskell and I'm familiar with the concept of prototype based languages. I expect I'll struggle most with how it fits in with the complexity of all the stuff around it: web development, browsers, different libraries etc.

Anybody know a good tutorial / book on how you build a nice typical (is there such a thing?) dynamic HTML5/_javascript_ app from scratch... I'm interested.

Esp. compared to Java, I guess the answer is "no, there is no such thing as a typical app". Most medium sized projects build on libraries that essentially redefine the language or runtime model; Large scale projects do the same all on their own.  Orion itself uses dojo, that's a great start and most like Java. Learn about jQuery to get another view. Orion includes uglify parser, a good example of a more functional JS program.  Another strong wing is the node.js world.

I guess one important difference you may encounter is more and more async programming. 

Welcome ;-)


I'm interested in working on Orion. Not sure yet what piece of it. So I won't be too picky on what to work on. Starting by fixing some 'easy' bugs to get to know how things work would be good. If there are suggestions on good bug tickets to 'get my hands dirty' I'm interested.

Later on I may be interested in looking at refactoring support, and/or work together with Andrew on the type-inferencing stuff (which I imagine will be paramount to the refactoring support).

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