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[orion-dev] Fresh workspace on

We had a bug in Orion 0.3 that could result in multiple users having write access to the same project [1]. Even though it was fixed long ago, we are still having it show up on This is how it happens:

1) Using Orion 0.3 or earlier, User A deleted a project. Due to the bug we did not remove that user's permission to edit that project
2) Much later (i.e., now), User B creates a new project, and the project id from 1) is reused (because no such project exists right now)

-> Now User A and B both have write access to the project created by User B.

To free us from this bug I am suggesting that we wipe out the server workspace and start fresh. We can pick a time well in advance to ensure everyone has pushed their changes to a git branch. Team members would just need to re-clone their repositories in the new workspace.

The alternative is to attempt to "fix" our existing metadata to repair the broken permissions still kicking around from the old bug. I wrote up a script to do this, but I'm really not feeling confident about running this over a large existing install. Starting fresh is the only way we can be certain that no similar problems have come up since the original bug was fixed. This still happens to people once in awhile, and we have no way to determine if it's a new problem or caused by bad old metadata.

We can talk about the logistics of the workspace wipe at our call tomorrow and proceed from there.


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