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Re: [orbit-dev] Declaring Build: I20120509234235 -- ready for RC1?



I am waiting for a number of ATO CQs to get approved by the IP, so if these get approved before 5/18 I will get these bundles into Orbit. But since the CQs are not yet approved and I don’t know with certainty which of them will, I cannot create bugs in Orbit bugzilla with milestone target for RC2.


Could you suggest how I can proceed with this?





From: orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 4:00 PM
To: Orbit Developer discussion
Subject: Re: [orbit-dev] Declaring Build: I20120509234235 -- ready for RC1?



This build is our current candidate to rename to an S build for downstream projects to use for RC1 builds. How's it look? Any thing else anyone wanted/needed in RC1?

Unless one of you requests otherwise, our deadline for RC1, for Orbit, our -1 day, will be tomorrow, Friday, 5/11, 5 PM.

And THEN, only one week left (normally). We would like to produce an R build on or shortly after 5/18, for use in RC2, and the remainder of Juno builds.

Sound reasonable? Doable?

Please detail anything you would still like to get into RC1 or things you'd like to get into RC2 -- please use the "milestone target" tag in Orbit bugzilla that describe what's going into Orbit.

And, especially, do speak up if anything is in jeopardy of not being done in time for RC2. We can always "break with tradition" if there is substantial reason to, but we should work it out in well in advance so everyone knows what to expect.


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From: David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
To: orbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, orbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,
Date: 05/10/2012 01:31 AM
Subject: [orbit-dev] Declaring Build: I20120509234235
Sent by: orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


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