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[orbit-dev] Reminder that Friday, 1/27 M build for Indigo SR2 will be promoted to R build

Last call ... well, we are past that :) unless an emergency.

We do have our Orbit recommended candidate build for Indigo SR2 builds

As a reminder, on Friday 1/27 I will (copy and) rename that M build to an
R-build for people to use that (relatively) persistent URL in their builds
for Indigo SR2.

At the same time, I will "hide" the M-builds on downloads page, but on
Monday, 1/30, I will actually remove them from the server to really "help"
remind people to use the latest R-build for Indigo SR2 (unless someone asks
for a different day for removal).

This maintenance release contains 4 changes to these common bundles:

369098 Add Ant 1.8.2 (with scripts) to Orbit Indigo maintenance builds
365822 org.apache.ant 1.8.2 should not be singleton
355555 Add ICU4J 4.4.2.v20110823 to Orbit
355586 derby's qualifier increases each build

FYI, if you haven't noticed, I did move 4 old R-build to "archives" (
BugĀ 366251) ... these would be R builds for Helios or prior ... so, if you
have any old Helios based builds you need to run occasionally, it wouldn't
hurt to test those out, make sure the new "archive" location works for you
as expected.


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