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Re: [orbit-dev] Adding a few new libs into orbit

These are not needed now, but it'd be nice to use them since it took a few months for IP approval :(

My last checkin broke the build because of an incorrect version in the map file, I'll be checking in a fix for that in a moment.

Let me know if I should rollback my changes in the feature.xml, so things go back to where they were.

Ketan |

On 6/3/10 5:00 PM, David M Williams wrote:

Looks like it built ok, but ... two things

1) I'd asked for no changes until July, in case we needed an emergency
rebuild for Helios. I'd meant that to include "additions". Maybe that
wasn't clear. And sure, exceptions might come up, but I would have
expected some prose around why so important to put in right now. It
could be fine, but would have expected the discussion.

2) I had not yet switched back to "I-Builds" so the "S-Build" that was
produced has the incorrect label. I'll delete that S-build and flip
switch back to I-builds. But, would still expect the discussion if these
are needed now, at all. e.g. what project needs them? Why now? etc. If
not really needed, perhaps you could rollback the feature.xml file, so
if a new, emergency build is required, we'd pick up only the Helios

Sound reasonable?

From: 	Ketan Padegaonkar <ketanpadegaonkar@xxxxxxxxx>
To: 	Orbit Developer discussion <orbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 	06/03/2010 04:54 AM
Subject: 	[orbit-dev] Adding a few new libs into orbit
Sent by: 	orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx



I'm in the process of adding a few new libs into orbit (mockito and

The build has been kicked off and I hope to not break the build. But if
it does, you know whom to blame :)

-- Ketan

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