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Re: [orbit-dev] Two bundling questions

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 6:27 AM, Oberhuber, Martin <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Orbiter's,
I have two bundling questions:
  • I have a case of a lib that comes precompiled without debug info. For Eclipse, I'd like to bundle the source and have it built with debug info, because I have occasionally run into cases where I wanted to debug into it. Does it make sense to rebuild with debug info? For the CQ, would it still qualify as "unmodified source and binary" since it's built from exactly the same sources? FYI, I'm talking about JSch on
I would prefer not to recompile things unless it's really needed. Can we talk with upstream to get them to compile with debug symbols?

  • In our MANIFEST.MF, do we want to start exporting all packages with version number (such that import-package with version number would work for those that prefer it over require-bundle)? Should we put a related "best practice" item on the Wiki?
Yes please. All packages should be exported with a version number. We should also strive to use Import-Package over Require-Bundle in Orbit so we can play nice with others. For example, I've seen issues with some of the Orbit libraries and the ones in BRITS (SpringSource).


~ Chris

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