Dear openPASS partners,
By now, you should have received Tuan’s invitation for the roadmap workshop on January 10. Thanks Tuan for setting this up!
Based on your availability, I would like to have an additional
2 hours openPASS & PCM workshop on Fri, January 14 for all interested openPASS members – plus as a guest the VUFO colleagues.
Many ideas / open issues (“GUI in separate repo?”, “GUI functionality for V1.0?”, modularity of AEB / Sensor…) are related to using openPASS for simulation with PCM data, so this should help us to
plan the roadmap to v1.0
I will send out a TEAMS invitation with the meeting time as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Von: openpass-sc <openpass-sc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Im Auftrag von Duong Quang, Tuan
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. November 2021 13:09
An: OpenPass Steering Committee <openpass-sc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: [openpass-sc] Workshop Roadmap of openPASS
Dear SC,
after releasing v0.8 we should discuss the next steps for the development of openPASS. Therefore, a 2 hour workshop is planned. The goal of this workshop is to collect
requirements and expectations of each partner to define the future roadmap of openPASS.
Each partner should present their contributions to openPASS to get an overview of developments which are going to be surely made. The contributions can
address long term goals. This workshop is about the roadmap and not the next version release.
Please prepare accordingly!
To avoid a strong delay in the release process as we faced it in v0.8, a new approach regarding releasing should be created.
In the workshop we define requirements for following focus topics:
Repository structure
Expectations in terms of functionalities and tasks of the core, the scenario engine and the API
Modularity and standards on component level.
To find a proper date please participate at
this poll.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or remarks.
Kind regards
Duong Quang, Tuan
Project and Product Manager
Automated Driving
Business Unit Automotive
Highly Automated Driving - HAD
Mobile: + 49 151 16 63 65 89
Email: Tuan.DuongQuang@xxxxxxxxxx

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