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Re: [openmq-dev] OpenMQ Clustering connection issue

The WARNING log messages can be ignored as they basically indicates there were takeover(s) happened - messages/transactions owned by one broker were taken over by another broker due to a broker shutdown or one broker unable to communicate with other brokers for a period of time.


On 1/13/20 4:35 PM, Will Hartung wrote:

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 5:31 PM Amy Kang <amy.kang@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This does look like a configuration issue.  You'd need to compare the configuration with OpenMQ documentation on HA (enchanced-cluster) configuration  - for exmaples be sure all brokers have unique brokerIDs and all brokers use the same configuration for common cluster properties.  The HA cluster heartbeat does use UDP.

Hope this helps.


Thank you, Amy.

So, what I ended up doing was I removed the 3rd broker from the cluster using imqdbmgr:

    $ imqdbmgr remove bkr -n brokerngsharemail3

Once we restarted Node 3, everything connected up. Which is great. I did this because on the same machines, I stood up a parallel cluster on different ports, and they all connected up swimmingly (so it wasn't a network issue, it was something else). I stabbed in the dark and tried removing the broker from the DB, and now the cluster in connecting up.

What we're getting now, however are some warnings:

[#|2019-12-26T15:01:32.768-0800|WARNING|5.1|imq.log.Logger|_ThreadID=98;_ThreadName=Thread-jms[64];|WARNING [B3229]: Transaction acknowledgement [22265172-, [consumer:1093089674314572800, type=NONE]]TUID=1093089674321704192 processing failed: [B1261]: Transaction acknowledgement could not be added because message 22265172-[[consumer:1093089674314572800, type=NONE]:[consumer:0, type=CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE]]TUID=1093089674321704192 not found in destination:
com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException: [B1261]: Transaction acknowledgement could not be added because message 22265172-[[consumer:1093089674314572800, type=NONE]:[consumer:0, type=CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE]]TUID=1093089674321704192 not found in destination

[#|2019-12-26T15:01:32.792-0800|WARNING|5.1|imq.log.Logger|_ThreadID=98;_ThreadName=Thread-jms[64];|WARNING [B4307]: END_TRANSACTION(58)[XAFlag=0x4000000:TMSUCCESS]: The transaction [XID=6170706C69616E63652C7365727665722C503130302C0056000000962871446170706C69616E63652C7365727665722C50313030] has been marked as rollback-only [state=FAILED from STARTED(1)]: TUID=1093089674321704192 Xid=6170706C69616E63652C7365727665722C503130302C0056000000962871446170706C69616E63652C7365727665722C50313030


[#|2019-12-26T15:01:32.106-0800|WARNING|5.1|imq.log.Logger|_ThreadID=98;_ThreadName=Thread-jms[64];|WARNING [B2117]: Message acknowledgement failed from mq://
        ackStatus = NOT_FOUND(404)
        Reason = [22264545-[consumer:1093089674314572800, type=NONE]]TID=1093089674321526784 not found, maybe rerouted
        AckType = MSG_TXN_PREPARE
        MessageBrokerSession = 8974670318866050048
        MessageStoreSession = 4295148795086427904
        TransactionID = 1093089674321526784
        notfound = 1
                SysMessageID = 22264545-
                ConsumerUID = 1093089674314572800


[#|2019-12-26T15:01:32.126-0800|WARNING|5.1|imq.log.Logger|_ThreadID=98;_ThreadName=Thread-jms[64];|WARNING Preparing transaction 1093089674321526784 failed from mq:// [22264545-[consumer:1093089674314572800, type=NONE]]TID=1093089674321526784 not found, maybe rerouted
        [22264545-[consumer:1093089674314572800, type=NONE]]

[#|2019-12-26T15:01:32.136-0800|WARNING|5.1|imq.log.Logger|_ThreadID=98;_ThreadName=Thread-jms[64];|WARNING com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.AckEntryNotFoundException: [22264545-[consumer:1093089674314572800, type=NONE]]TID=1093089674321526784 not found, maybe rerouted: TUID=1093089674321526784 Xid=6170706C69616E63652C7365727665722C503130302C0043000000962871446170706C69616E63652C7365727665722C50313030

Nodes 2 and 3 are barking quite a bit about this, Node 1 just a little bit.

Nodes 1 and 2 were long established, we're just adding 3 in to the cluster. But we haven't reset the cluster, we haven't downed the infrastructure. We basically lit up node 3 and hope that it would seamlessly integrate in with no drama.

Is this some housekeeping thing going on? Nodes 1 and 2 don't bark about this, never have (at least not regularly). Do I need to worry about this?



Will Hartung

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