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[openj9-dev] Per-component issue management

The OpenJ9 issues list continues to grow.  During the last few OpenJ9 hangouts, it's been agreed that some issue grooming is required to ensure the list is manageable and open issues are still relevant.  
Committers are asked to close issues that are no longer relevant or where the questions have been answered.  This is a low cost action as the issue can always be reopened if a party believes further action is needed.
Currently, there are a number of `comp:XXXX` labels used to roughly highlight the relevant component that should investigate an issue.  We need to ensure the labels are added and that the components are grooming their relevant backlogs.  
Committers, we need to identify someone to take the lead for issue management on each component.  Please respond to this email if you are able to help out here.  Note, this task can only be done by committers due to github access rights.
doc - Sue?
jit - Mark / others?
port - Peter / Dan
test - Shelley? / Lan?
vm - Peter / Dan

I've tagged some names to components based on hangouts discussions.  If this incorrect, please speak up.  
Feel free to volunteer for one of these components, even if there's already a name there, as many hands make work light =)

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