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[openhw.mwg] OpenHW July Marketing Member Newsletter

Hello OpenHW Group Members,


Please see below for a few reminders and marketing opportunity updates from the OpenHW Group.


Monthly Marketing Working Group (MWG) Meetings

As a reminder, we have monthly member marketing meetings (say that five times fast!) for updates on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Marketing representatives should reach out to be added to our mailing list, and once added they will be invited to these monthly meetings.

Our next MWG meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July  25 at 8:00 AM PDT/11:00 AM EDT.


 For those who missed the June MWG call, you may find the PowerPoint presentation for review at this link.


Marketing Working Group (MWG) Mailing List

If you have not already, please send your marketing representative’s contact information to michelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or have them self-signup via the link provided here. We will add them to our email distribution list for updates on marketing opportunities, our monthly newsletter, and to invite them to our monthly marketing working group meeting (MWG).




            RISC-V Summit | November 7-8, 2023| Santa Clara, CA

OpenHW Group are Platinum sponsors at the Summit with a 20x10 booth which will include a theater for TWG and project presentations.  There will be two countertop stations for OpenHW TG to showcase the projects currently underway.  We are seeking member participation to present in the OpenHW Group booth theater at the Summit. The fee to participate in the OpenHW booth is $2K USD per contributing member company to help with various marketing initiatives surrounding the RISC-V Summit.   Please contact michelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to participate.

    • Participation includes a 30 minute presentation each day of the Summit
    • Social media promotion of your company presentation prior to the event and at the event
    • (1) Summit Exhibit Pass
    • Video recording of the presentation for your use and to be shared on OpenHW Youtube channel

60th Design Automation Conference (DAC) | July 9-14, 2023 | Moscone West, San Francisco, CA

OpenHW Group will be participating in two program sessions at DAC:

RISC-V Summit Europe| June 5-9, 2023 | Barcelona, Spain

OpenHW Group participated at the RISC-V Euro Summit with a booth and various working group meetings. Rick O’Connor’s interview with Calista Redmond can be found here and Max Giacometti demo theater presentation on the CVA6 project can be found here.


Social Media Through OpenHW Group:

As a member, you have the ability to reach out to our followers on Twitter and LinkedIn! Make sure that you’ve followed us on social platforms and encourage others to, as well!


Please use our social media form for submitting social media requests. We ask that you submit your social media for posting at least one week prior to the requested posting date. All posts must abide by our social media guidelines.


When posting on social media regarding current OpenHW Group projects, or related topics, please use the following:

@openhwgroup; @riscv; #opensource; #corev; #riscv; #openhwgroup


Monthly Blogs:

Our monthly OpenHW Group newsletters are distributed to over 1,500 (and growing) opt-in subscribers. We ask each member to submit a blog that will be posted on the OpenHW website, promoted on social media and featured in our monthly newsletters. Blog guidelines can be found here, and blogs should be submitted to michelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


OpenHW TV – Season 4:

OpenHW TV Season 4 is in full swing! We are currently working on our Q3 schedule. We are always looking for members to participate in future episodes of OpenHW TV. The episodes are one hour long, with presentations pre-recorded and a live Q&A session to follow via Zoom. If you have a specific topic you would like to cover on OpenHW TV, please let me know and can put a schedule together. Final episodes are promoted via email, social media, and posted on OpenHW TV on-demand after the scheduled episode airs. Members are encouraged to promote and share the on-demand episode! 


Thank you for your valued membership and please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for the OpenHW Group marketing activities.


Best Regards,


Michelle Clancy Fuller

Director of Marketing

OpenHW Group


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