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[openhw.core-v.sw] Agenda for meetings 12 July 2021, 14:00 UTC

Hi all,

Our next meeting is at 14:00 UTC today, Monday 12 July 2021
- 07:00-08:00 Pacific Time
- 10:00-11:00 East Coast Time
- 14:00-15:00 UTC
- 15:00-16:00 UK Time
- 16:00-17:00 Central European Time
- 22:00-23:00 Beijing Time

The agenda is available on MatterMost (TWG : SW channel) and in our

I shall be on vacation, so Yunhai Shang will chair the meeting.

This is a relatively short agenda, so we shall have a little more time
than usual to review our existing projects.

Best wishes,

Jeremy Bennett
Cell: +44 (7970) 676050
SkypeID: jeremybennett
Twitter: @jeremypbennett
Email: jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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