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[openhw.core-v.sw] Software TG charter for ratification
  • From: Jeremy Bennett <jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 22:00:09 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx; keydata= mQGiBEnDq+8RBACazhX1MUYl3LIurwWxJWhR/0JYLhaZhI9mhi2/1vBxkIubSi7ZQn0vaF5f 11YmQqKAtqRRKp0BflUwvjjEpgfY6Bb251MaxGeY3kZE2v33JqHCvuCWxt7YwNUgaA7QAkSo 3ea5R9BiP1ncfppSzcHznEyYy6tzoF6AxWNy64E6OwCgk/set6NdP7cbCW+1VubstJLOTu8D /A3IAPe+LWBABcakcbo3skoCimDqR0JE3JZJm2uLJ5Yyyk7mFQiaalUvfOuecFKiuhll2FHq kg7upU+ZgQgpb6qmCt60L7NsLlmNPhj7pRkPElHYoRamEi5ycDM8abM908xemzJJ8Kv5sq/D AeaQcrDiNz/c0COEQGI1AQRNY+5YA/9XUTAjFc2Mdxs1x9s0JspwTMoHi2MWoyaIiQA55/F7 qSAYumjPFrQhELnxXNS0o2hOXXp8SdSE8jfENj1iMebDcVkt8brRLjg9JnxJQYccTO4QlvLD hhKS2yB99UCEzqjhzhzt8awIeXlRD2DuHhw3pi9XOM0j/oam3izaWnXbrLQ7SmVyZW15IEJl bm5ldHQgKEplcmVteSBIb21lIGtleSkgPGplcmVteUBqZXJlbXliZW5uZXR0LmNvbT6IYgQT EQIAIgUCVVrodwIbAwYLCQgHAwIGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQvvWBcvtHVOGezQCf ZaxQR7BMPlvsmtxazEyVmEc+I/cAoIMnfrT/XCDRuuBp/YaXKpOf4ouOuQINBEnDq+8QCACj rS2Q9dIbQKg/s3x/FaAovRfBUcauoWfToBLvy6S0a/KQeSF5KdWWIS3EtxZjSuV5A+Yj5DHy 8dHjNEjPfAwR/GOJA6JF5WUHkTIPHi90rYriWehhtaK6hXpq89Raf48Bdw3giKN5Zy5bsXm1 Kp+b6CclJ9tzjpkbvGrJK4NfUwDcxO6M9BWkhTFAGkHPPTUexl9kFYYmp6yVwmojwqWLi6TI zHobg9pY6KVsQ/Ob3AGwDTNShYF42zJLehnLaeeGNhcsP4yKKGqFdyaa/M16Bjv6JXHXiXHc derOAH5UpDhnah6ZTEC5WKvJ0j4JrlVpBSGLZzLIZuVJAi2Dky6XAAMFCACKCUxQ5pPMw433 JmRnCKvYnsQdBY3W8UsCwvwX8Am3l8CgCFJnGQIEb/VS1GYw+3OeY7jhY368qm51vijJasqW MF7upeSVn5N6cWuR5ORjnNPqf9NXxhfTlCpWvSH6rRAVHXvG8qxi52nfHnK8NsH0G+zc/1PR ak064+TIlC8ZHdUqeQ6+ByeS7EPwZS2ODg5j1IYpkKE1EfDUN7TfgkvsxGjuJwXVKLWgNZps O8qu5CcnTa70ywziF7xWUgHEtkzsQdPJWRRMjQULsnmrK/ySBgPHuPPO70IvB51IkxXOZTzC NHfwIGG1je1icwvcPTB52vXGMqZQp6yZzEc0tuATiEkEGBECAAkFAknDq+8CGwwACgkQvvWB cvtHVOEuDwCcCiTxCqrN8ndGXbKgOqyCFEzd0YQAn0xiO8Gm70ehZCS9WUrVpTu1QNl6
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Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I attach the draft charter, which following the round of comments at
this afternoon's call is now up for ratification. You can also view
the charter here:

As Mike Thompson advised us, we are the first group to go down the
ratification process for a charter, which will work as follows:

1. You are all invited to indicate if you approve (+1) or disapprove
(-1) of the charter, by mailing the chair:
jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx, copying rickoco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx as
scrutineer. You can approve while pointing out minor typographical
errors to be fixed!

2. If no one disapproves, then we shall declare the charter ratified
by acclamation at our next call on 13 July 2020.

3. If there is any objection, then we shall revise the charter at our
next call to take account of those objections. We shall then circulate
the charter for final ratification by email, where a simple majority
by the time of our meeting on 10 August 2020 will suffice for approval.

It is important that the charter reflects the will of the group as a
whole, and this two stage process will allow us to take full account
of all views.

I look forward to hearing your views.

Best wishes,

Jeremy Bennett
Chair, Software TG

- -- 
Cell: +44 (7970) 676050
SkypeID: jeremybennett
Twitter: @jeremypbennett
Email: jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx
PGP key: 1024D/BEF58172FB4754E1 2009-03-20

# OpenHW Group Software Task Group Charter

## Ratification status

Draft of version 1 for review

##  Responsibilities

The software task group is responsible for the following parts of the OpenHW Group ecosystem.  This includes direct support for the CORE-V instruction set extensions and a process to support users' custom instruction set extensions.

- Compiler tool chains (GNU, LLVM, proprietary) and Operating systems (RTOS, *nix, *bsd)
  - the compiler tool chain includes the assembler, linker, debugger and libraries as well as the compiler.
- Processor and platform models (ISS, cycle accurate, QEMU, OVPSim)
- IDEs (Eclipse family, PlatformIO, proprietary), their integration with the debug environment and support tools
- Benchmarking (specifically including Embench)
- Demonstration applications, both bare metal and for specific operating systems.
- Support of the software ecosystem for the two OpenHW Group reference platforms, one MCU class, one APU class.

## Goals

The software task group has the following two goals.

1. To create a thriving commercial ecosystem for CORE-V software tools, models and operating systems.
2. To see those tools, models and operating systems which are open source maintained as part of official upstream distributions.

## How we achieve our goals

We expect the work to be achieved in two ways.

- Contributions in kind from member companies.
- Commercial development driven by CORE-V users.

The work will need to be carried out by the wider OpenHW community and others.  The role of the Software Task Group is to be the "shepherd" of this activity.

**Note.** Because this is a very large task, the Software Task Group will need to set priorities, with early selection of the software to be supported first.

## How we measure progress

We identify one short term measure of progress.

- Meeting the needs of the Verification Task Group

Strategic progress will be measured in the following ways.

- How many commercial offerings for tools are seen.
- Acceptance of open source CORE-V tools upstream.

Description: Binary data

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