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[openhw.core-v.sw] Agenda for meeting 8 Jun 2020
  • From: Jeremy Bennett <jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 11:06:49 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx; keydata= mQGiBEnDq+8RBACazhX1MUYl3LIurwWxJWhR/0JYLhaZhI9mhi2/1vBxkIubSi7ZQn0vaF5f 11YmQqKAtqRRKp0BflUwvjjEpgfY6Bb251MaxGeY3kZE2v33JqHCvuCWxt7YwNUgaA7QAkSo 3ea5R9BiP1ncfppSzcHznEyYy6tzoF6AxWNy64E6OwCgk/set6NdP7cbCW+1VubstJLOTu8D /A3IAPe+LWBABcakcbo3skoCimDqR0JE3JZJm2uLJ5Yyyk7mFQiaalUvfOuecFKiuhll2FHq kg7upU+ZgQgpb6qmCt60L7NsLlmNPhj7pRkPElHYoRamEi5ycDM8abM908xemzJJ8Kv5sq/D AeaQcrDiNz/c0COEQGI1AQRNY+5YA/9XUTAjFc2Mdxs1x9s0JspwTMoHi2MWoyaIiQA55/F7 qSAYumjPFrQhELnxXNS0o2hOXXp8SdSE8jfENj1iMebDcVkt8brRLjg9JnxJQYccTO4QlvLD hhKS2yB99UCEzqjhzhzt8awIeXlRD2DuHhw3pi9XOM0j/oam3izaWnXbrLQ7SmVyZW15IEJl bm5ldHQgKEplcmVteSBIb21lIGtleSkgPGplcmVteUBqZXJlbXliZW5uZXR0LmNvbT6IYgQT EQIAIgUCVVrodwIbAwYLCQgHAwIGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQvvWBcvtHVOGezQCf ZaxQR7BMPlvsmtxazEyVmEc+I/cAoIMnfrT/XCDRuuBp/YaXKpOf4ouOuQINBEnDq+8QCACj rS2Q9dIbQKg/s3x/FaAovRfBUcauoWfToBLvy6S0a/KQeSF5KdWWIS3EtxZjSuV5A+Yj5DHy 8dHjNEjPfAwR/GOJA6JF5WUHkTIPHi90rYriWehhtaK6hXpq89Raf48Bdw3giKN5Zy5bsXm1 Kp+b6CclJ9tzjpkbvGrJK4NfUwDcxO6M9BWkhTFAGkHPPTUexl9kFYYmp6yVwmojwqWLi6TI zHobg9pY6KVsQ/Ob3AGwDTNShYF42zJLehnLaeeGNhcsP4yKKGqFdyaa/M16Bjv6JXHXiXHc derOAH5UpDhnah6ZTEC5WKvJ0j4JrlVpBSGLZzLIZuVJAi2Dky6XAAMFCACKCUxQ5pPMw433 JmRnCKvYnsQdBY3W8UsCwvwX8Am3l8CgCFJnGQIEb/VS1GYw+3OeY7jhY368qm51vijJasqW MF7upeSVn5N6cWuR5ORjnNPqf9NXxhfTlCpWvSH6rRAVHXvG8qxi52nfHnK8NsH0G+zc/1PR ak064+TIlC8ZHdUqeQ6+ByeS7EPwZS2ODg5j1IYpkKE1EfDUN7TfgkvsxGjuJwXVKLWgNZps O8qu5CcnTa70ywziF7xWUgHEtkzsQdPJWRRMjQULsnmrK/ySBgPHuPPO70IvB51IkxXOZTzC NHfwIGG1je1icwvcPTB52vXGMqZQp6yZzEc0tuATiEkEGBECAAkFAknDq+8CGwwACgkQvvWB cvtHVOEuDwCcCiTxCqrN8ndGXbKgOqyCFEzd0YQAn0xiO8Gm70ehZCS9WUrVpTu1QNl6
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Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

A reminder that we have our monthly meeting later today. Agenda attached.

- ----

  07:00-08:00 Pacific Time
  10:00-11:00 East Coast Time
  15:00-16:00 UK Time
  16:00-17:00 Central European Time
  22:00-23:00 Beijing Time

Location: Zoom meeting
- ----------------------
  Meeting ID: 851 9441 6761

  Find your local number:

I look forward to joining you all later today.

Best wishes,


- -- 
Cell: +44 (7970) 676050
SkypeID: jeremybennett
Twitter: @jeremypbennett
Email: jeremy.bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxx
PGP key: 1024D/BEF58172FB4754E1 2009-03-20

# OpenHW Software Task Group Meeting Agenda

**Date:** Monday 8 Jun 2020


- 07:00-08:00 Pacific Time
- 10:00-11:00 East Coast Time
- 15:00-16:00 UK Time
- 16:00-17:00 Central European Time
- 22:00-23:00 Beijing Time

**Location:** Zoom meeting

- [](
- Meeting ID: 851 9441 6761
- Find your local number: [](

**Chair:** Jeremy Bennett

**Vice-Chair:** Yunhai Syh

## Agenda

1. Review of actions

  - **Jeremy Bennett (lead), Yunhai Syh, Jim Parisien:** Prepare candidate charter in light of comments from the meeting for review on the mailing list and ratification at the next meeting.

  - **Craig Blackmore:** Carry out a detailed analysis of the work required to migrate the tool chains to the current upstream baseline and then submit the changes for incorporation.

2. Charter

A draft charter will be presented, based on the comments made at the inaugural meeting.  Comments are invited at the meeting.  The charter will then be circulated on the mailing list for ratification.

3. Tool chain support for the verification group

As a matter of urgency, the CORE-V verification group asked for assistance with a tool chain set up for their [Test Program Environment](

Craig Blackmore has worked on this and will report on progress.

4. Program of work to upstream CORE-V tool chains

Craig Blackmore will give an update.  **Note.** The need for urgent support of verification has limited Craig's availability to work on this.

5. AOB

6. Dates for future meetings

The group meets monthly at 07:00 Pacific Time on the second Monday of the month.

  - 13 Jul 2020
  - 10 Aug 2020
  - 14 Sep 2020
  - 12 Oct 2020
  - 09 Nov 2020
  - 14 Dec 2020

Jeremy Bennett

Description: Binary data

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