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Re: [open-regulatory-compliance] [FYI] Today's office hours are cancelled

Hi all,

That will 100% be the case once we start having regular weekly calls. Office hours are really designed to help answer logistical questions or concerns, take general feedback, etc., not to discuss technical topics, so it would be a bit weird if there was no one from the foundation to address the issues raised.

Hope this makes sense.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 4:16 PM Hendrik Ebbers via open-regulatory-compliance <open-regulatory-compliance@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Am 20.08.2024 um 16:10 schrieb Salve J. Nilsen via open-regulatory-compliance <open-regulatory-compliance@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hei Tobie & all,
> On Tue, 20 Aug 2024, Tobie Langel via open-regulatory-compliance wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm not feeling well today. As a result, I'm cancelling today's office
>> hours. The calendar has been updated accordingly.
>> if you have any questions, feel free to send them my way over email.
> Would it be sensible to keep these meetings scheduled even in your
> absence?
> There's quite a lot material to dive into, and having a weekly
> session/colloquium may be beneficial for progress, especially for those of
> us who prefer exploring with others or benefit from interested sounding
> boards.
> - Salve (CPANSec)
> --
> #!/usr/bin/env perl
> sub AUTOLOAD{$AUTOLOAD=~/.*::(\d+)/;seek(DATA,$1,0);print# Salve Joshua Nilsen
> getc DATA}$"="'};&{'";@_=unpack("C*",unpack("u*",':50,$'.#    <sjn@xxxxxx>
> '3!=0"59,6!`%%P\0!1)46%!F.Q`%01,`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";  __END__ is near! :)
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