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[open-measured-data-wg] AC meeting minutes 2017-04-28

Dear *,

please find attached the minutes of the last openMDM AC conference call.

So long,

Canoo Engineering AG            T: +41  61 228 94 44
Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Benzing   M: +49 177 501 49 68
Kirschgartenstrasse 5
CH-4051 Basel       andreas.benzing@xxxxxxxxx
Title: openMDM Architecture Committee Meeting Notes: 2017-04-28

1. Attendees

The following members were present

  • Andreas Benzing (Canoo Engineering AG)

  • Jan Blockx (Siemens AG)

  • Stefan Ebeling (BMW AG)

  • Sibylle Peter (Canoo Engineering AG)

  • Stefan Wartini (Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH)

  • Angelika Wittek (openMDM Toolkit Manager)

The following members were absent

  • Stefan Beese (Bertrandt Services GmbH)

  • Gerd Weckenmann (AUDI AG)

2. Topics

2.1. Introduction of Toolkit Manager

Angelika Wittek (openMDM Toolkit Manager) is introduced as the new Toolkit Manager of openMDM. She briefly introduces herself and informs about her intended next steps.

2.2. Full Text Search Across Multiple Sources

The topic of searching across multiple sources is revisited. The current implementation will delegate the search to each registered adapter and combine the results to a single reply. The results will be displayed grouped by source in the web client, which overcomes the need for a weighting of individual matches across multiple sources. However, since the results are aggregated in the backend, such a weighting is still possibly with the current architecture in the future.

2.3. Review Website (ORGA-187)

The current description on the website will need a complete redo, since the current state is mostly taken from the old website. A new description should be created once the architecture specification is consolidated with the extensions decided on by the AC (ORGA-74). Until then, the high-level descriptions provided by Stefan Ebeling (BMW AG) could be used to illustrate the new architecture.

2.4. Top Level Requirements

Right now, the new top level requirements do not require immediate action by the AC. However, some of the requirements specify technical details on the how to implement certain functionality (i.e. implement loose coupling using microservices, ORGA-198). The AC would like to decide on such topics at the given time and favors requirements which specify what the entire openMDM toolkit should be capable of instead.

2.5. Roles & Rights

Stefan Wartini (Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH) reports that the roles & rights efforts are making progress and preliminary results will be provided in the next two weeks for feedback before handing the result to the SC for approval.

3. Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2017, 09:30 CET.

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