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[open-measured-data-wg] AC minutes from 2016-12-16

Hi *,

please find attached the minutes of the AC conference call last friday.

Happy holidays!

So long,

Canoo Engineering AG            T: +41  61 228 94 44
Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Benzing   M: +49 177 501 49 68
Kirschgartenstrasse 5
CH-4051 Basel       andreas.benzing@xxxxxxxxx

Attachment: openMDMExecution.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Title: openMDM Architecture Committee Meeting Notes: 2016-12-16

1. Attendees

The following members were present

  • Andreas Benzing (Canoo Engineering AG)

  • Jan Blockx (Siemens AG)

  • Stefan Ebeling (BMW AG)

  • Sibylle Peter (Canoo Engineering AG)

  • Stefan Wartini (Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH)

The following members were absent

  • Stefan Beese (Bertrandt Services GmbH)

  • Gerd Weckenmann (AUDI AG)

2. Topics

2.1. ORGA-14 - AC approval of business layer

The issue is still open and assigned to Stefan Beese (Bertrandt Services GmbH). In order to finalize this issue, the current state of the business layer should be documented and distributed to the AC members for review. Stefan Beese (Bertrandt Services GmbH) and Sebastian Dirsch (Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH) have been asked to prepare the information.

2.2. Storage of non-MDM Information

Stefan Ebeling (BMW AG) has proposed to establish an additional storage for non-MDM information like user preferences. Since there is a wide range of possible storage options from document stores to relational databases, the AC agrees to specify a preference service for this for now rather than nailing down the particular storage implementation. The focus is therefore to establish a suitable REST interface for this service so that the implementation could be changed later. The new service is shown in the attached architecture diagram.

The two storage categories each have their pros and cons: Relational databases are readily available for operation at each driver member while there is not much experience with NoSQL solutions. However, preferences are often handled in JSON representations which suggests that a document store might be better suited in general. Due to the availability, the initial version of this service will be implemented using JPA and PostgreSQL.

3. Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2017, 09:00 CET.

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