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[oniro-wg] MoM Oniro Marketing Committee 2022wk18


## Minutes of Meeting

please find the MoM of the Oniro Marketing Committee 2022wk18 below. 


There was no Committee session on 2022kw20

## MoM key points

This are the key points of the meeting

"### Oniro WG Marketing Committee Meeting

#### Approval of the Minutes of Meeting from 2022-04-06

#link <

#### Approval of the Minutes of Meeting from 2022-04-20

#link <

#### Review and approval of IP transfer contract description

Agustin reports that he has consulted with Carlo on what the agreement shold 
entail, and provided that the agreement is consistent with the understanding 
between Huawei and the EF -- so that the EF can consume the results -- it is 
up to Huawei to negotiate the preferred terms with the agency. Carlo will 
share it and make sure the terms are consistent.

#### Resolutions

- Approve minutes for 2022-04-06 (3a1feec4)
- Approve minutes for 2022-04-20 (d44bfe94)
- Consensus as to what has been discussed about  IP transfer clause with the 

#### AoB  

Chiara mentions the Meeting about the web portal on May 11th at 14:00 UTC and 
confirms it is going to be held as scheduled.

### Oniro WG Marketing Committee All Marketing Representatives

Opens at 14:36 UTC

#### Marketing Plan: initial draft.

* #link to draft <> 

#### AoB  

* Meeting about the web portal on May 11th at 14:00 UTC
* Content migration and repos configurations
   * Agustin goes through the changes (roles,organization, maintainers of the 
repos) in the marketing projects

* Oniro 2022 deck.
   * Can we have a template-only (for presentation) and images of the 
backgrounds for slides want to create content on?
   * We should have -- and preferably all that can be an image should be an 
images for consistency between platform sake.

## Links and references

* Repository where you will find the agenda and meeting minutes #link 

* AoB: Any Other Business
* MoM: Minutes of Meeting

Meeting closes at 15:04 UTC"

Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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