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[oniro-wg] Reminder: Re: Oniro Roadmapping process: draft. Call for feedback.


this is a reminder of the feedback gathering process we are taking on the 
Roadmapping process.

You can provide your feedback through this mailing list or attend to any of 
the remaining office hours:

* Today 2022-04-05 from 12:00 to 12:30 CEST
* Thursday 2022-04-07 from 12:00 to 12:30 CEST
* Tuesday 2022-04-12 from 15:00 to 15:30 CEST

Check the oniro calendar on how to join


Or send me a mail and I will invite you to the sessions. 

On Wednesday, March 30, 2022 12:44:06 PM CEST Agustín Benito Bethencourt 
> Hello,
> in parallel with the creation and approval of the content of the coming
> Oniro Platform release (Goofy roadmap items) that some of you, led by Amit,
> are carrying through, Sebastian S., Jarek M. and myself, with input from
> various others, have created a draft of the Roadmapping process.
> ## What is a roadmapping process?
> The roadmapping process defines how the main items that form the Oniro
> Platform roadmap are proposed, described, discussed, agreed, tracked,
> evolved, approved, deprecated... Those main items are the Initiatives (High
> level elements).
> This effort does not define what becomes part of the roadmap, only how.
> ### Goal of this effort
> The intention at this point is to define the skeleton and the main aspects
> of the process, leaving the description of the details to the Roadmap Team,
> that will be created as part of this Oniro Roadmapping process.
> ## Roadmapping process description
> You can find the roadmapping process (draft) in this wiki page:
> Link:
> wishlist-roadmap/-/wikis/home
> You will find there:
> * Definition, goals and considerations that are relevant to understand the
> process.
> * Nomenclature used.
>    * Some of you have ideas around this topic. Please expose them here.
> * Process description
> * Complementary resources like dashboards, templates and diagrams to get a
> better idea of how we envision the design and implementation of the process.
> I would use the infographic as starting point. You can find it here.
> Link:
> wishlist-roadmap/wishlist-repo/-/blob/main/
> oniro_roadmapping_process_infographic.pdf
> ## Next steps
> * We would like to collect feedback from you about this draft during the
> coming days though this oniro-wg mailing list or the office hours.
>    * Please check below the scheduled office hours.
>    * Ping Agustin B.B. or Sebastian S. for 1:1 sessions.
> * This draft will be presented to Oniro Member representatives this coming
> Thursday.
> * I will bring next week to this mailing list the second draft, based on the
> feedback received.
> The aim is to approve the Roadmapping process at the Oniro WG Steering
> Committee (SC) on April 13th.
> ### Office hours
> * Tomorrow Thursday 2022-03-31 from 12:00 to 12:45 CEST
> * Next Tuesday 2022-04-05 from 12:00 to 12:30 CEST
> * Following Thursday 2022-04-07 from 12:00 to 12:30 CEST
> * Tuesday 2022-04-12 from 15:00 to 15:30 CEST
> All the above session are part of the Oniro calendar. Please check it to
> find how to join.
> Link:
> cid=Y19kNzN2bmpqMzZydWZ2b3JhMzJnZGZjODUwOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t
> Please let me or Sebastian know if you would like to be invited to any of
> them. How to import the Oniro Calendar.
> Link:
> tage-oniro/-/wikis/Meetings#oniro-calendar
Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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