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[oniro-wg] Oniro at FOSDEM 2022, Welcome to our open stand !

Hi Oniro community !


Quick reminder that FOSDEM 2022 is approaching.


The "Free OpenSource Developers European Meeting"

will start this weekend (2022-02-05..06) online at:


FOSDEM is an exceptional community event (by size and quality)

that used to happens in Brussels,

but it has been relocated online this year again (you know why).


The good news, is that you don't have to wait to be part of it,

because stands are already open !

Welcome to everyone to "Oniro’s stand chatroom” too,

some of us already joined from:


There you can study Onrio's schedule (17 events) and more to come at:


Finally I want to thank everyone who have been involved into it,

volunteers are always welcome too, check:


See you there and happy FOSDEM !



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