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[oniro-wg] MWC

Morning everyone,


Some of you have already received the list attached, it’s the prospect list we are trying to get in touch with at MWC.


Along with that I’m attaching also the overview of contacts that will sponsor the event (Prospect list_MWC – 16 in total) that is to say they will be at the venue along all the days of conference, with booth and with a schedule we can try to fit in.


As agreed yesterday during the marketing meeting, the effort is getting appointments to present Oniro and start opening doors on which after the event in Barcelona we can put in place follow-ups and nurturing activities to turn them from prospects to members.


To do so we need to collect contacts that each one of you have connection with and that can be leveraged to create an invitation to meet people at MWC.

Please look at the prospect list spreadsheet and let us know which are the contacts you feel confident to reach. Reach out should be done on a personal basis (personal message, phone call etc) a general email invitation won’t really work for this purpose.


Me and Aurore we can support with follow-ups and reminders, but first action should come from who is accountable of the contact.


Options are the following:

-          Meet at the MWC venue à preferred people will be there, easy to catch up, no bother for the prospects to get out of the venue

-          Hotel room à the room can’t be cancelled at the time being; the hotel is almost 20mins far away from the MWC venue, that means possibly hard to get people there, but as it’s there and booked I would suggest to use it as a backup in case someone would like to meet there. In this new scenario set up is not gonna be as a front presentation but just as a quiet room to meet and talk

o   The hotel room has also a video set up  we can use this as a last resource to make connect with people online (perhaps people who won’t travel to Barcelona or last minute no-show due to covid restrictions maybe). I suggest to record the session so that we can use even post event as a recorded webinar presentation


This multi option org should provide all the “tools” to make people engaged physically or virtually and let us have the possibility to pitch Oniro and increase our pipeline.


Time is short, some of you have already got in touch with him on the list… who didn’t have a look yet please do by middle of next week as then we need to start the reach out.


Thanks and should you need any further detail please do not hesitate to ask





p.s. I didn’t mention post event follow-up activities on purpose, as I think keeping it separately would be better as now we have to concentrate on reach out and scheduling appointments. I’ll raise another thread for post event later as discussed yesterday



Chiara Del Fabbro

Technical Marketing & Product Management Manager

Open Source Technology Center


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Attachment: Prospect list.xlsx
Description: Prospect list.xlsx

Attachment: Prospects list_MWC (2).xlsx
Description: Prospects list_MWC (2).xlsx

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