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[oniro-wg] Marketing. Gitlab repo for marketing topics at oniro-wg Gitlab instance


I finally managed to configure the repo for marketing topics at Gitlab. I will 
use 5 min. of today's marketing meeting to do a walk-through, if we have the 

## Relevant gitlab links for marketing 

* Link to the subgroup where we are going to work at this stage

* Link to the marketing repository

* I created a couple of wiki pages at subgroup level with basic information. I 
will populate it even further in the coming days.

* To structure the work, two milestones have been created

* To follow the work, different boards have been created. For marketing 
activities I suggest to follow:

   * Workflow:

   * Priority:

   * Workflow during this proposal stage:

* The following labels have been created to be used in tickets so we structure 
the work

I believe that with this simple skeleton we have almost everything we need to 
structure the work at this stage. Once the WG moves into incubation we can add 
more structure if needed. If something is missing we will complement it as we 

## Get access

The repos are public. In order to get a user in gitlab, so you can contribute, 
you need to have a EF account

Then go to the Proposal-incubation-stage-oniro subgroup

and request access. I will add you as member. You can also ping me directly (I 
am available at #oniroproject at, for instance) or through this 
mailing list.

Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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