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[oniro-wg] Oniro promo activities 2021wk47


here are some of the latest activities to promote Oniro.

## IoT Tech Expo 2021 in Amsterdam 

Oniro community members from Huawei and SECO are participating at the IoT Tech 
Expo 2021yesterday and today.


## IoT & Edge community monthly meeting, November (virtual)

Invited by Frédéric Desbiens, IoT & Edge WG Program Manager, I provider an 
introduction to Oniro yesterday afternoon (CET) for around 20 minutes.

More actions will come to promote Oniro among other Working Groups and 
community projects.

## Akademy-es 2021 (virtual)

Organised by KDE España every year, Akademy-es is the event where the Spanish 
KDE community meets. I did a talk there introducing the Eclipse Foundation and 
Oniro on Sunday November 21st


Any other promo activity you want to report about? Add it to this thread.

Best regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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