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[oniro-wg-marketing] EclipseCon 2022 for Oniro: some news


EclipseCon 2022 is approaching and there are some key topics that are already 
known. Some others will need effort from our side in the coming weeks...

## Program

The Program Committee has published the Talks program of the event.


Two talks related with Oniro has been approved.


The proposed panel is on the waiting list, in case any other talk drops for 
any reason.

## EclipseCon 2022 for Oniro

After some weeks of coordination with the Organization of the event, I have 
been able to create a representation of what, at high level, will be the event 
for Oniro. In the coming weeks I will be adding detail to such document.


### Community Day

We will join the different communities supported by the IoT & Edge Native WGs 
during this day. Philippe Coval is the person proposed to coordinate our 
participation during this day. 

Information about the community day in previous editions
* 2021:
* 2020:

## Hackerspace

This is something new in this format during this edition. Additional 
information about this activity will be published. I have made an effort to 
provide an idea about it in our wiki...


You can see the design of the planned activity by our colleagues from 
different  IoT & Edge communities here:


We need to designate really soon an engineer who coordinates our participation 
in this activity. We need to gather information from the organisers to 
evaluate if and how we will participate.

### Engineering gathering

There will be a room available for Oniro during the second and third days of 
the event so our developers can meet when not attending to talks. I will 
provide data about the meeting room soon. It will have a capacity for 10-15 

### f2f meetings from our governance bodies

On the fourth day in the morning there will be a meeting room for the 
different governance bodies and management teams to meet face to face. I will 
provide soon the characteristics of this room.

### BoF

We will have the opportunity to organise a BoF at EclipseCon 2022, open to all 
participants at the event, during the second day (Tuesday).

### Other meetings 

We will schedule meetings with a variety of people during those days:
* Tech leads from other relevant projects for Oniro
* Governance bodies from other WGs at Eclipse Foundation
* Staff from EF
* Other EF Member representatives

I will be coordinating this activity for now. As we approach the event, I hope 
that others join me in this effort. Feel free to ping me if you are interested 
in having meetings at the event.

### Additional information

Little by little we are collecting all the information about EclipseCon 2022 
in this wiki page:


In a couple of weeks I will send additional information about the event. In 
the meantime, please join the eclipsecon mailing list to be up to date of any 


Best Regards 

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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