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[omr-dev] Invitation: Eclipse OMR compiler architecture meeting

Eclipse OMR Contributors,

You are invited to participate in a recurring call to discuss technical topics relating to Eclipse OMR compiler architecture (aka Testarossa). These calls will be of interest to anyone interested in OMR compiler technology and helping to shape its evolution. Each call will have a set agenda from topics proposed in advance by contributors such as yourself. Possible topics include:

* Testarossa architecture
* Testarossa IL
* JitBuilder
* High-level optimizations
* Code generation techniques for current and future processor architectures
* Performance
* Testing (e.g., Tril)
* Evolution of the Eclipse OMR compiler technology
* Conceptual integrity of compiler components
* OMR compiler API
* Discussion on issue/pull request designs
* Formulating answers to questions posed in issues

While the focus should be limited to Eclipse OMR compiler technology, if there is a significant discussion topic of interest from a project downstream that has an impact on Eclipse OMR then it may be discussed as well.


* Bi-weekly starting Wednesday February 28, 2018 @ 3:30pm EST (GMT -5). The duration is only the time required to cover the agenda topics, not exceeding 90 minutes.

* Calls will use Webex (audio only, no video) with screen sharing. They will be recorded and published to the Eclipse OMR website for reference and for those who could not participate live.

* Agenda and minutes from each meeting will be represented using GitHub issues. If necessary, questions and discussion on the topics raised during those meetings can continue in the corresponding issue after the meeting has concluded. All past and future agendas and minutes will be linked from an umbrella issue ( for easy reference.

* Agenda topics for an upcoming meeting must be proposed no later than one week prior to the meeting so that there is ample time to communicate the agenda to the community. Topics are proposed through comments on the appropriate meeting agenda issue. The moderator will finalize the agenda and communicate with the Eclipse OMR community via the omr-dev mailing list.

* Transcript-like minutes won't be taken, but summaries of key decisions and actions will be published to the minutes issue when appropriate.

* Access details will be included in the agenda communicated prior to each meeting.

Please join us!


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