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[nosql-dev] Questions about use of Jakarta NoSQL on Jakarta EE 11 implementations...


During the Monthly Platform call this week (June 6, 2023) I asked a few questions about what users of Jakarta NoSQL could expect with regard to their Jakarta EE 11 deployments that I would like to echo here and create tracking issues as needed.

My questions are mostly about how NoSQL integrates with Jakarta EE 11 implementations.

1.  Will the NoSQL database server connections be considered managed by the underlying EE implementation in the same way they are for traditional javax.sql.DataSource?  Or are the NoSQL connections independently managed by the NoSQL native driver?

2.  Will the NoSQL database server connections be enlisted as ACID resources into JTA transactions?  Not many NoSQL databases support ACID but I am asking more to understand the model that will be expected in EE 11 applications that do rely on JTA transactions.

3.  I'm trying to wrap my head around the life cycle impact of including Jakarta NoSQL in Jakarta EE 11 and which parts of SPEC/API [2], Mapping APIs [3], integrations [4] would be included in an EE release.  Working backwards on asking my main question, how would we ensure that NoSQL database integrations [4] for Jakarta NoSQL 1.0 continue to work for Jakarta EE 11 applications?  For example, I see that currently OrientDB 3.2.16 is supported but there will be many different versions of OrientDB (both past and future releases) and since EE 11 application deployments will likely expect to work for many years, how can users expect to use new (or older) versions of [4] with their EE 11 apps?


[1] Platform call notes
[3] Mapping APIs for each NoSQL type
[4] Implementations of NoSQL database integration

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