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[nosql-dev] Java USA Tour 2019: Bringing Java and Cloud to Your City!

FYI: If you would like to know more about Jakarta EE/Jakarta NoSQL and you are in these cities.

Java USA schedule

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power — without direct active management by the user. The cloud concept became a hot idea because it makes it easier for software to be available in multiple regions, without adding the maintenance, operational, and data security costs to your software project. is a second-generation Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider that offers hosting for your applications and their services, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Kafka, through the infrastructure-by-code concept. manages everything — from hosting and technology to global deployment and support — so developers can focus on creating amazing new apps and features. In September, we’ll have several activities to show the benefits of cloud computing and how easy it can be with Stay tuned!


Between September 16 and October 4, 2019, there will be several activities in the US, including presentations, workshops, and hands-on labs. The tour will start in Oracle Code One San Francisco, and it will finish in Dallas at the Java Users Group Meetup.

Oracle Code One

Unlike Java One, Oracle Code One is a new conference that covers content for several languages, including Go, Rust, Python, and Java. The conference offers four, content-packed days, focusing on everything developer! At Oracle Code One, we’ll have a hands-on lab about how to process streaming data with NoSQL and Java, as well as a success case of Brazilian Medical industry using Eclipse MicroProfile and their plans for the future to move it to the cloud.

JUGs Meetings

Java User Group (JUG) is a community of users who are passionate about the Java programming language. You can create a JUG anywhere, like the SouJava in São Paulo or ParisJUG in Paris. With the help of these JUGs, the brave Java community warriors, we’ll have several activities in several cities.

JUGs Activities

We’ll have two categories in each city:

  1. Java/Jakarta EE and cloud discussion
  2. Developer careers

Otavio Santana handles the technical category. Generally, it’s a workshop, around 90 minutes in length, covering the topics of the cloud and Java with

  • Title: Build, run, and scale your Java applications end-to-end
  • Abstract: This presentation will talk about a continuous deployment cloud hosting solution that can scale applications from the smallest projects to those handling millions of visitors. It’s ideal for agile software teams because of its unique feature: it can replicate a live production cluster in seconds and create byte-level clones of throwaway dev and staging environments, which makes testing and validation 90 percent faster.

Bruno Souza will talk about how developers can advance their careers.

  • Title: Stop feeling stuck! Design your developer career and overcome the plateau.
  • Abstract: So many cool, new technologies at events and blogs! But back to real life. You feel you’re not learning enough. You don’t expect to use this cool stuff anytime soon. You feel stuck or bored, even stagnant. You’ve hit a career plateau. Don’t worry; things may not be as bad as they seem. Often, boredom is a symptom of growth, not of failure. But either you solve it, or it will crush you! You can use your experience to design your career and push it to the next level. In this interactive session, you’ll get a chance to discuss your real-life situation, so you can create opportunities, improve your projects, and achieve career freedom.

Stops on JAva USA Tour

If you’re in any of these cities, it will be an excellent opportunity to talk about Java, Jakarta, NoSQL, Eclipse MicroProfile, cloud, open-source, career, and so on; stay tuned through our social media channels to get more news about it:

Otávio Santana

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