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Re: [nebula-dev] Wish to contribute to Nebula with 3 new widgets.

On 02/18/2012 09:36 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
Hi Nebula Team,

  • ModelPicker.: which gives you the capability to pick a model (for instance in our case pick a Client from a database) in a SWT Text by using several means like completion, open a custom search dialog to select a Client , etc). I would like improve it too to pick multi model with a SWT Table (instead of SWT Text). In the attached screen ModelPicker1.png you can see screen with completion. In screen ModelPicker2.png you can see Browse button wich provides several means (that you configure it) to search a Client (here there is completion + search client dialog). In the attached screen ModelPicker3.png you can see the search client dialog.
==> Are you interested with this widget?
Yes,, especially if all model queries are performed asynchronously.

  • SimpleRichText : which gives you the capability to type HTML, WIki...syntax in a SWT Text and gives you a preview (please see SimpleRichText). Some toolbar like bold, italic are available. This component should be a lot improved, but I woul dlike know if you are interested? It's called SimpleRichText and not RichText because it's not a wysiwyg editor. You must type your HTML or Wiki content in the SWT Text and you have toolbar which helps you to generate well html, wiki and have a preview (which works with SWT Browser).
==> Are you interested with this widget?
Yes, a lot! EPF project has a RichText editor that may work the same way as yours. You should have a look at it to see if there are good things you could pick up there.

  • ModelFormEditor:  which extends FormEditor and gives you the capability to manage a model (load a model, save it). This editor provides some method to implement like onLoad, onBind, onSave, etc, and after this editor manage for you the dirty state of the editor by using the JFace Databinding created in the onBind. This editor manage too error (display error in the form header) by using JFace Databinding validator. I don't know if my explanation is enough, but I think this kind of editor miss in RCP. If it's not enough, tell me and I will explain more.
==> Are you interested with this widget?

I think this improvement (adding an abstract editor class to ease development of Form Editor) sounds out of the scope of Nebula. It is not a concrete widget that one can consume directly.
IMHO, this should be part of the org.eclipse.ui.forms API rather than Nebula;
Note that this would not be interesting for EMF-based models since EMF provides stuff to get started with developing editor without pain.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by RedHat
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