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Re: [nebula-dev] Nebula Wording

On 01/12/2011 11:01, Wim Jongman wrote:
snapshot < yuk (maven lingo)
I think Maven brought up with a nice word and everyone now understands the meaning of snapshot: it is an "unstable work-in-progress build".

I like nightly: everything we did during the day will be available the next day because we build overnight. (It is not easy btw to find a time where it is night everywhere ;) This is the standard in eclipse download naming. You also see "latest" which is fine by me too.
As you pointed out "Nightly" is meaningless in a worldwide context. Also it makes consumers and contributors think we are only able to provide daily build, but we have a ping of about 5 minutes between a commit and an up-to-date build. That's something we must be proud of and hightlight to the community.
Nightly *was* a standard word in the Eclipse community, it reminds me the time when people could not poll SCM and before continuous integration existed, and everyone used PDE/Build... That's now a freaky word for me: a project that only builds once a night is not healthy.
Latest is interesting, but latest what? latest release, latest test build...? It is not precise enough I think.

I could advocate for Snapshots for years, we probably need more opinions rather than debating for weeks just the 2 of us ;)

Maybe we should not label as "proper", "release" or "main". Just Nebula.
Yes, that could be fine.

We could also include some eclipse release name. (indigo/helios)
Hopefully we will provide builds that would work with 3.5 and later. Binding a build to the name of a release will make people think that the release is a requirement for installation.
It hides all compatibility of builds with different releases. Most serious project at Eclipse that are not part of Platform (I mainly think about the Modeling projects) do not include the Eclipse release train name, and they are easy to consume: just take the latest version.

(I'm pretty glad to see the debate working ;)

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Mickael Istria <mickael.istria@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Just for a matter of wording, here are some terms I think are confusing/wrong/ugly in current Nebula discussions:
* "nightly" for buils: that's wrong, they pull the SCM and build whenever they see a change. I prefer the word "snapshot", which more reflects what it the result of the build. Moreover, "nightly" is a term from the past, there is no more need for scheduled builds now thanks to CI servers (except for specific cases, but Nebula is not part of them)
* "release" for the Nebula most mature widgets: even incuabation widgets will perform releases, so it will be quite easy for consumers to get confused with what release means.
* "proper" because it reminds me of Mister Proper, and makes me think incubation widgets are dirty, and that's not very cool to say that for people who developed them, and it is bad marketing for end-users.

So here are some suggestions:
* nightly -> Snapshot
* proper/release -> Main
* incubation -> incubation

Let's the debate start!


Mickael Istria
R&D Engineer, Eclipse Plug-in RCP Developer

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Mickael Istria
R&D Engineer, Eclipse Plug-in RCP Developer

PetalsLink - Open Source SOA

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