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Re: [nebula-dev] Create a vCard display custom SWT widget for Eclipse

Hi Tom,
Thank you for your interest, there are also some open source developers in Eclipse community are interested in my project. But they think if i want to contribute my project to Nebula, It is best for me to find a Nebula guy to mentor me, so, i am here :-)
Tom,I think you could be a good mentor, here is my mainly solution to finish this project:
1. finish vCard parse job,get all the contact info from a vCard document. In this section, i need read vCard specification carefully, in fact, i am doing this job now. a flexable Eclipse SWT/JFace component to display contact from vCard, i think this component must has a easy-change layout and multi-style switchover design. In fact, there are a small difficulties here, this component must display info including text,image and also  sound info. How to display sound info practically and gracefully, it is not so easy, i think may be we can use a sound icon to  call attention to user that play sound music by cliking this icon button.
Step 1 may be more important, we must follow vCard specification and parse info in it carefully. In step 2, we aims to create a easy-change SWT/JFace widget, we should supply multiple styles and layout for users, and user can personalize this component easily.
Your advises ?
Moreover, Tom, do you know Google Summer of Code project(, i have submitted my project proposal there, if you are interested in mentoring me, you should register as a menter there,then, we have more then two months to finish this project.
Best Regards
Peng Cui
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Tom Schindl <listom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I like your proposal and and if you want I can mentor you. What do other
Nebula-Devs think about it?


Am 13.04.10 03:51, schrieb Peng Cui:
> Hi all,
> I am a master student from China, my name is Peng Cui, as we know,
> Nebula supplies much cool custom widget for Eclipse developers, i am one
> of the beneficiaries. Now, I want to supplies a custom widget for
> Eclipse and Nebula, so i post it here to see hear your voice.
> vCard is the electronic business card. It is a powerful new means of
> Personal Data Interchange (PDI) that is automating the traditional
> business card.It has been widely used in Personal Information Manager
> (PIM), electronic email application such as Microsoft Outlook and IBM
> Lotus notes, Web Browser or telephone. If Eclipse supplies a Custom SWT
> widget to display vCard, isn't it cool ? My project will do it.
> In fact, i hold this project as a
> GSoC ( project Eclipse, and i list my whole
> project proposal below. If any one is interested in my project or have
> any advises or  want to mentor me, please let me know, thank you :-)
> ------------------------------------------------Project
> Proposal--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Project Proposal Detailed Information*
> vCard <> automates the exchange
> of personal information typically found on a traditional business card.
> At present time,vCard is widely used in applications such as Internet
> mail, voice mail, Web browsers, telephony applications, call centers,
> video conferencing, PIMs (Personal Information Managers), PDAs (Personal
> Data Assistants), pagers, fax, office equipment and smart cards. vCard
> information goes way beyond simple text, and includes elements like
> pictures, company logos, live Web addresses, and so on. It has following
> features:
>     * vCards carry vital directory information such as name, addresses
>       (business, home, mailing, parcel), telephone numbers (home,
>       business, fax, pager, cellular, ISDN, voice, data, video), email
>       addresses and Internet URLs (Universal Resource Locators).
>     * All vCards can also have graphics and multimedia including
>       photographs, company logos, audio clips such as for name
>       pronunciation
>     * Geographic and time zone information in vCards let others know
>       when to contact you.
>     * Of course, vCards support multiple languages
>     * The vCard spec is transport and operating system independent so
>       you can have vCard-ready software on any computer
>     * vCards are Internet friendly, standards based, and have wide
>       industry support.
> If we use Eclipse SWT/JFace to develop a application which has contacts
> info management function, I think vCard supporting is necessary. But as
> we know, Eclipse does not supplies any SWT/JFace components or widget to
> parse vCard data or display vCard information. This project aims to
> implement a vCard display custom SWT widget which is in keeping with
> vCard version 2.1 Specification <>
> for Eclipse. The whole project will implement the following functions:
>    1. Construct a Java class to represent vCard, we call it JavavCard,
>       this class has following mainly methods:
>           * Communidate with othe file format such as CSV, it means it
>             can import/export data info from/to CSV.
>           * Get any property detail by proper name, we can get Java
>             String property value such as Name or Email address etc, get
>             Java Image property value such as Photo, get Java Sound
>             property value such as vCard name pronunciation.
>    2. Create a vCard information parser,we call it vCardParser, it has
>       the following functions:
>           * Parse vCard Identification Properties
>           * Parse vCard Delivery Addressing Properties
>           * Parse vCard Telecommunications Addressing Properties
>           * Parse vCard Organizational Properties
>           * Parse vCard Explanatory Properties
>           * Parse vCard Security Properties
>           * Parse vCard Miscellaneous Properties
>    3. Create a custom widget to display JavavCard information, this
>       widget has following features:
>           * It is a SWT based custom widget, just like widgets in
>             Eclipse Nebula project <>;
>           * Use different icons to indicate different properties in
>             vCard, it has a default solution, but developer can change
>             its default icons;
>           * It will show all the properties in vCard, and has default
>             layout solution,but developer can change its default layout
>             solution,and decide which properties to display, which not.
>           * It has changeable styles and overall look and feel, it has a
>             default solution, but developer can change it to what he likes.
> As we know,Eclipse Nebula is a place where different Eclipse-Projects
> and Independent developers collaborate on building Custom SWT widgets
> and reuseable UI-Components useable in UI-Applications built using SWT
> and JFace. I will contribute this project to Nebula as a custom widget
> for Eclipse developers.
> *Background*
> I have serveral years Eclipse plunge-in develop experience and know
> vCard well, so i have confidence to finish this project well. But before
> i hold it as a GSoC project, i ordered Eclipse open source mail list,
> discuss this project in the mail list. Feedback from mail list told me
> that various custom SWT/JFace widgets will help Eclipse developers
> largely, this component has practical value,it is a great work. And
> then, i will start the developing job,dicuss technology difficulites in
> Eclipse mail list and vCard developer mail list.
> *Deliverables*
>     * Source code, achieved jars
>     * Junit test case
>     * Sample code, some demos
>     * Design Document, UML document and JavaDoc API document
> *Schedule*
>     * March 29 - April 9: Submit my proposal, do some alter works if
>       necessary
>     * April 26 - May 23: Students get to know mentors, read
>       documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects.
>     * May 24 - May 31: Class JavavCard design and implement,finish data
>       communication function with CSV
>     * June 1 - June 7: Implement various getter methods of class
>       JavavCard,including get string records, image records and voice
>       records
>     * June 8 - June 15: Implement vCard Identification Properties and
>       Delivery Addressing Properties parse job
>     * June 16 - June 22: Implement Telecommunications Addressing
>       Properties and Organizational Properties parse job
>     * June 23 - June 30: Implement Explanatory Properties and Security
>       Properties parse job
>     * July 1 - July 7: Implement the other Miscellaneous Properties
>       parse job
>     * July 8 - July 23: JavavCard information display custom widget
>       design and coding job, finish a default display model
>     * July 24 - July 31: Implement layout and properties customize
>       functions for the widget
>     * August 1 - August 8: Implement style, look and feel customize
>       function for the widget
>     * August 9 - August 15:Take a week to scrub code, write tests,
>       improve documentation, etc.
>     * August 16 - August 30:Submitting final evaluations and required
>       code samples to Google
> *Expectations*
> I have rich Eclipse plunge-in develop experience, but i do not have rich
> Eclipse SWT/JFace custom widget develop experience, i hope my mentor
> give me some instructions or tell me what should i pay attention to.
> *Contact Information*
> I am a master student from Beijing,China. My name is Peng Cui, i am
> studying in School of Information Engineering, University of Science and
> Technology Beijing, and my major is Computer Science and Technology. My
> email is: ajiu.009@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:ajiu.009@xxxxxxxxx>.
> In my daily research jobs, i usually use some open source project, for
> example, i use Eclipse as my Jave development environment and use Apache
> Tomcat as my Web Application Server. Being a open source commiter is so
> cool in my mind, because open source promote sofeware development in 21
> Century, it is a good thing and i love it.
> I am familiar with Java language and use it to do some develop job since
> 2003. Eclipse is my Java development IDE, and i have finished some
> Eclipse plunge-in projects during my daily research period.vCard plays a
> important part in this project, i have payed much time to read vCard
> specification and discuss it in vCard develop mail list, also i have got
> some back knowledge about how to parse vCard information with Java.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Best Regards
> Peng Cui
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