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Re: [nebula-dev] Nightly build

Hi Eric,

Yes we are working on it at the moment.  There was a problem with the scripts that have messed up the classpath.  Hopefully fixed tonight.


Eric Wuillai wrote:
Hi Chris,

Re 1.) We must have forgotten to update the readme.  I've updated it
now.  You're right, the properties should go in
 Originally we had a separate file but in the end
merged it with the normal

Re 2.) This is hard coded for now.  Eventually we will pull the version
# from the  What did you want to change?
For the moment I will stay in alpha state and 1.0 release. So there is
no problem for me with the actual process. But there is other projects
on Nebula that are in beta state.
I think a possibility is to add 2 new properties in :

Re 3.) You should change your javaCompiler...args to match the existing
ones in grid or gallery.  Essentially remove your path references.
Done. However I have a problem. The build process produces the zip
files, but the JAR files contained in does not work. I downloaded and
putted them in the classpath of my test application. I have many errors.
All methods and constructors including SWT classes as parameters or
overriding SWT ones are invalids. When I decompile the classes with JAD,
all this methods are missing. It seems there is problem of dependencies
with SWT.

Here is the content of my javaCompiler...args files :


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