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Re: [nebula-dev] JFace-Viewer-API finished

Hi Chris,

I'll prepare a patch and append it to the GridViewer bug.


Christopher J Gross schrieb:

Great work Tom. The changes and features you've been working on will be a huge boon to developers using tables. I can't say enough.

Regarding the grid viewer, I've created a new project for the grid viewer in cvs (following our new structure where each component will get its own plugin jar). If you have a chance to update the grid viewer and even put it in this new project, I will put it out on the website for m6.

nebula-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 03/16/2007 02:02:06 PM:

> Hi.
> For all those not following the bugs dealing with the JFace-Viewers API
> I'd like to inform you that we have today released the final version to
> CVS. We changed some things e.g. reusing of ViewerRow instances, adding
> new Cell-Activation support, move some setting around.
> The bugs have been:
> We think that we kept the system open to provide space for your
> customized implementation and on the other hand hide the viewer logic
> from you as much as possible.
> If I have time on the weekend I'll update the GridViewer to match the
> new API. I also want to mention that with this release the SWT-Table and
> SWT-Tree got new features which make them much more powerful (of course
> not as powerful as your custom-drawn controls) for all editing frontends
> and we even tried to provide hooks for the Databinding-Framework.
> A full featured example of the all the new JFace features is shown in
> the following snippet:
> Eclipse%20JFace%20Snippets/org/eclipse/jface/snippets/viewers/
> I the end thanks for the feedback we got from all the nebula guys
> hanging out here. I think together we created a really exciting new
> feature for the eclipse community no matter whether they use the nebula
> or SWT-Controls.
> Tom
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