Hi David,
Having the possibility to release wikitext-core to maven central is really great news!
Most of my developments are in wikitext-core, and I appreciate to have an easy way to run the maven build locally.
If we split release process for wikitext-core and wikitext-ui we need to reflect this change in Bugzilla. Otherwise we cannot extract the list of bugs fixed with each wikitext-core release.
Have already an idea of the version scheme? We are now working on "3.0.x" (I have seen, you have built version 3.0.0, 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 to test your setup). In Bugzilla I track the bugs with "Target Milestone = 3.0". When you do a release of wikitext-core on maven central, will the development continue with 3.0.y-SNAPSHOT or with 3.z.0-SNAPSHOT?
If wikitext-core and wikitext-ui are split, have you already a vision for the release train? Sam Davis has mentioned on the cross-project-issues-dev mailing list [1] that there is one downstream project: Jubula. We need to continue to take care of this.
Is the idea to publish a wikitext-core version before each mylyn-docs release?
For the release train, we have main releases but also intermediary builds (milestones and rc). This needs also to be considered.
If we split the release, have you an idea of the release frequency for wikitext-core?
[1] http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/cross-project-issues-dev/msg14164.html