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Re: [mylyn-dev] [mylyn-reviews-dev] MyLyn Gerrit Dashboard on the LUNA release

On Jun 9, 2014, at 12:27 PM, Jacques Bouthillier <jacques.bouthillier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The Dashboard record the queries in the Task list, but they don’t re-synch every 20 minutes. Is there a limitation in the Task list to only maintain a small number of queries? If not, then what would be the problem ?

It’s a significant, legitmate usability concern. We had discussed this from the very beginning of the design process. But it is important to understand that we’re moving outside of the normal workflow for users. They aren’t used to the idea of queries being auto-magically generated. But none of this really matters from a process POV, as we have already reviewed the change and unless we approved it with caveats ("this issue must also be fixed before including in release”) then we don’t need to revisit that here.

Second, a typical user would only create a few Gerrit queries and re-use it after. I don’t see a user creating 1000 different queries .

Right, if we can keep it as minimal as possible and not create a whole bunch of queries for the user automatically, *and* it is possible for the user to get rid of those later, then that’s fine.  What we *do* need to resolve is that given these concerns and if there has been relatively little user testing (not anyone’s fault, perhaps an oversight) will we have any nasty surprises, like yeah hundreds (or even dozens) of queries showing up in a user’s task list without them knowing where they came from.

From: mylyn-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylyn-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sam Davis
Sent: June-09-14 2:37 PM
To: Mylyn Reviews Project
Cc: Mylyn developer discussions
Subject: Re: [mylyn-dev] [mylyn-reviews-dev] MyLyn Gerrit Dashboard on the LUNA release
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Miles Parker <miles.parker@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Also, is it the case that if user’s do have issues with it we could suggest really simple work-around of just not opening the dashboard?

It might be the case that we could simply not add the queries created by the dashboard to the task list and it would still work but I don't know what impact this would have on the dashboard functionality and it is extremely late to be making such a change. I also don't know whether the review models would still be persisted and what impact that would have.

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Miles Parker
Senior Software Engineer, Tasktop
Committer, Eclipse Mylyn, Virgo 
skype: milestravisparker

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