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Re: [mylyn-dev] How to add a new TaskEditorPart in the task editor view?

Hi Steffen,
I need to ask you a question about my fusion forge plugin for my task view (dependent on).
I have just followed your implementation (for Dependent On Task) based on "Work Log" in Jira plugin.

Here my steps:

1) in my handler:
in initializeTaskData method I have added

and I have created all attributes with prefix and type. My tasks are retrieved by my SOAP call (dependents).

        int i = 1;
        for (FusionForgeDependentOn dependent : dependents) {
            String attributeId = DependentOnConverter.PREFIX_WORKLOG + "-" + i;
            TaskAttribute attribute = data.getRoot().createAttribute(attributeId);

            new DependentOnConverter().applyTo(dependent, attribute);

in updateTaskData method I have added

addDependentOn(data, fusionForgeIssue, client);

I think that in this method I have to show all tasks and select only the tasks that I retrieve by fusionForgeIssue.getDependentOn method.
How can I select retrieved one?

2) I have created a DependentOnConverter file (like WorkLogConverter) with three field (id, name, selected) for my check box.

3) Finally I have created a FusionForgeTaskEditorDependentOnPart (like WorkLogPart) I have added in expandSection method
my createCheckBoxList() method

        for (TaskAttribute attribute : logEntries) {
            FusionForgeDependentOn log = new DependentOnConverter().createFrom(attribute);
            section = toolkit.createSection(parent, ExpandableComposite.LEFT_TEXT_CLIENT_ALIGNMENT);
            final Button button = toolkit.createButton(section, log.getName(), SWT.CHECK);
            button.setData(log.getId(), log.getName());
            button.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {

            GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().grab(true, false).applyTo(section);

where FusionForgeDependentOn is my class model (like JiraWorkLog) with id, name and selected attributes.

I have to add or delete my item from my dependentOn of fusionForgeIssue object before submit. I think that I must use a addSelectionListener method.
Can you help me?

Thank you for your time

Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 15:27:31 +0100
From: steffen.pingel@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: mylyn-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [mylyn-dev] How to add a new TaskEditorPart in the task editor view?


it sounds like you are on the right track. You need to implement marshaling that converts your domain objects into TaskAttributes and vice versa. The task editor part needs to store all modifications into a TaskAttribute which is then converted back to a domain object in your TaskDataHandler implementation to post it to the server.

How to best implement marshaling will depend on the nature of your domain objects. You can find various examples in the Trac, Bugzilla or JIRA connector implementations (e.g. WorkLogConverter for JIRA).


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 3:15 PM, pasquale vitale <pasquale_vitale@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Steffen,
thanks for replay.
I have just followed your first suggestion. I'm looking at the implementation in JiraTaskEditorPage and I have added my custom part description (Dependent On Task) like "Work Log" in Jira plugin.
I have added a FusionForgeTaskEditorDependentOnPart (like WorkLogPart) too.
In my TaskHandler I have inserted addDependentOn and postDependentOn methods (like addWorkLog and postWorkLog).
It works, I have added "dependent on task" part description in my custom edit view for my task in fusion forge plugin.

I have a checkbox list (of dependent on) retrieved by a soap api.
Now, I must add my dynamic checkbox list (for Dependent On Task) inside part desciption.

Then I must select some items and set my "DependentOnArray" array of FusionForgeIssue object (like JiraIssue) before to submit.

In edit mode, I have to retrieve all items of "dependent on" field  and I have to select items of FusionForgeIssue object array (DependentOnArray).

I have just added all items using DEPENDENT_ON Attribute (like PROJECT or PRIORITY inside JiraAttribute) but I don't know how set my "dependentOn" FusionForgeIssue array.

Can you help me?


Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 19:02:46 +0100
From: steffen.pingel@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: mylyn-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [mylyn-dev] How to add a new TaskEditorPart in the task editor view?


a simple way of adding parts to your own editor page is to override AbstractTaskEditorPage.createPartDescriptors(). You can add custom part descriptors that create sections in the task editor. Have a look at the implementation in BugzillaTaskEditorPage which is good example how to modify the list of default parts.

The other option is the org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.taskEditorPageContribution extension point which allows adding of parts to any editor.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 6:35 PM, pasquale vitale <pasquale_vitale@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
I've creating my custom edit view for my task in fusion forge plugin.

Fusion forge uses a "dependent on task" multiselect field to add all task dependencies.

I think to use a list of checkbox that an user can select or deselect.

I want to use a TaskEditorPart (like comment or attachment) for display all dependency.

According to you does this have sense?
Do you any other suggestion?
Do you have any sample code for the TaskEditorPart usage?



mylyn-dev mailing list

Steffen Pingel
Senior Software Developer, Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Tasks Lead

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mylyn-dev mailing list

Steffen Pingel
Senior Software Developer, Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Tasks Lead

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