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Re: [mylyn-dev] push the squish?

Hi Wim,


Ha, I still feel some guilt for putting in that drawing hack and for the fact that we do not have all of the corner cases addressed in the drawing on Linux.  But as you noticed, the owner draw appears to be the only approach to get the information density and clean look for the other visual “columns”.  Enough other tools have taken this approach, such as Microsoft Outlook, that we bit the bullet and have not regretted it yet.  You should be able to reuse that class or at least some of the code.





Dr. Mik Kersten

Tasktop CEO, Mylyn Lead,

Assistant: zoe.jong@xxxxxxxxxxx, +1-778-588-6896, Skype: zoe.e.jong


From: mylyn-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylyn-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Steffen Pingel
Sent: August-15-11 3:58 AM
To: Mylyn developer discussions
Subject: Re: [mylyn-dev] push the squish?


Yes, it's all done in CustomTaskListDecorationDrawer. It works nicely on Windows but be aware that spacing and layout can differ on other platforms (and depend on the theme) which can cause problems:


 210697: [linux][mac] Go Into on Task List causes activation buttons to overlap with priority icons


I looked for a way to control the indentation or horizontal offset on Gtk but as far as I could tell SWT does not expose that in the API.





On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Wim Jongman <wimj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



For the newsreader, I too want to put my icons before the squish in the tree. I have been experimenting with a side table that is positioned to the left of the main tree to contain the additional icons. It works but I am having platform issues. 


So I have been looking at how Mylyn does it. I was really convinced that you managed to push the squish of the tree so that you could put some icons before it and I searched franticly for the code that did that. 


Then I realized that Mylyn does not do that. You make the illusion that you do but you really don't. The squishes of the tree are not pushed and the first level of the tree is never decorated. By adding an icon to the first level, you create additional space for the second level tree items where the decoration does take place. 


Very cunning. Nice job.





mylyn-dev mailing list


Steffen Pingel
Senior Developer,

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