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[mylyn-dev] vote for the connector discovery listing

I am very happy to say that we have completed the Mylyn Connector Discovery work, the goal of which is to extend the reach of Mylyn by making connectors discoverable and easy to install.


All committers and interested integrators should read the corresponding Eclipsepedia page, in particular the Listing Criteria: 


COMMITTERS: Please for either +1, 0, or -1 for including the following entries be on the initial discovery listing:

1) section: Bugzilla (+1 from me)

2) Tasktop Certified section (+1 from me)




Here is the state of the additional entries that have been discussed for listing that we will likely vote on soon.

* / Edgewall Trac: Steffen is working with Trac developers to figure out if we can get 0.11 supported, might need to make listing contingent on that due to the level of Trac 0.11 demand.

* Community / Mantis: We had some installations troubles, will reach out to the Mantis Connector developers as this one seems quite popular.

* Community / Foglyn: Being tracked on bug 278555




Here’s an example of what the Discovery UI looks like.  Please note that the listing is not yet committed to and subject to change as per the voting results and selection of additional entries and sections.






Mik Kersten, Ph.D.


Project Lead:



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