This proposal may be a benefit to the project -
several developers complained that as soon as they load more'n
300-400 projects - navigation simply does not work - takes tens of
seconds per action. If they disable Mylyn - they can work.
This also opens an interesting discussion - how well Mylyn scales. Did
anyone have any experience with workspace sized like, say, entire
Eclipse - with Equinox and JDT and everything as source projects?
Also interesting - is it possible to simulate such a huge environment
for regression testing? I don't know what testing framework is
applicable here as it involves generation GUI events. Did anyone tried
TPTP? Abbot?
Kinds Regards,
Eugene Kuleshov wrote:
I wonder if it is time to retire the usage data feature in Mylyn?
Ian Skerrett announced [1] that Usage Data Collector feature [2] is
now included with EPP builds [3]. That is making Mylyn's usage
collector somewhat obsolete and since it haven't grown from the sanbox,
it may make sense to retire it or merge its code (client or server
side) with the EPP usage collector component.
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